Alan Pliev: «We have no facts of Russia’s efforts on destabilization in Georgia and «the whole region»

Fri, 23/05/2008 - 10:43

«Res» correspondent turned to RSO Foreign Minister deputy Alan Pliev for the commentary on the last statements of US senator Richard Lugar «US must head an active international diplomatic counter-offensive against Russia’s efforts on destabilization in Georgia and the whole region. The peaceful settlement of the confrontation will need US leadership and interaction of the rest NATO members».
«We have no facts of Russia’s efforts on destabilization in Georgia and «the whole region». In all probability American senators and congressmen follow Georgian information which is often biased»-said Alan Pliev.
«In thesenate statements one can notice focus on «US leadership» however the questions of settlement of the mutual relations with Georgia are solving within the framework of quadripartite negotiation format»-he added.
«In the official opinion disclosed by the Russian side are not presumed «provocative and dangerous actions», on the contrary Russia is calling for Georgia to settle appeared problems not by force with the help of military contingent gathered to Abkhazia and South Ossetia but by means of dialog and signing non-use of force agreement. In this tense situation the anxiety of Russia for their citizens living in Abkhazia and South Ossetia is evident»-emphasized Alan Pliev.

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