Prime Minister Vadim Brovtsev Visits Problematic Sites in Leningor District

Mon, 14/02/2011 - 18:48

The Prime Minister of South Ossetia paid a visit to Leningor district of South Ossetia. In this visit, the Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister of Construction Chermen Khugaev, Deputy Head of the State Committee for Rehabilitation Sarmat Kotaev, Head of Leningor District Alan Djussoev., Chief Engineer of State Unitary Enterprise "Dorexpostroy", representative of Spetstroy of Russia Col. Anatoly Kozinski and other officials.
In Leningor, the delegation visited the Fire Rescue Detachment under construction. The works at this site are conducted by "Vector" company. The company representative reported that the works were slightly behind the schedule mainly due to customs delays and the building would be handed over in May 2011. During his visit, the South Ossetian Prime Minister Vadim Brovtsev showed his interest in the results of the program supporting private farmers and entrepreneurs in rural areas. Alan Djussoev reported that the funds of 10 million RUB were meant for interest free loans and were distributed among the recipients. 14 farmers in Leningor district were supported. The monitoring of these funds proper management is ongoing. The government delegation also visited wood-processing enterprise built by private entrepreneur Beridze who received 1.5 million RUB under this program. In general, the delegation representatives were satisfied with the seen site, the wood-processing workshop is 90 % equipped with the equipment and is practically ready for production.
The main visit point in Leningor was the district hospital which needs urgent full reconstruction. The Prime Minister stated that 30 million RUB were allocated in the state budget and it would be necessary to request for funds to start the rehabilitation works. Vadim Brovtsev tasked to convene a meeting with the participation of this district's head of administration and chief doctor of the hospital and the minister of Health and social welfare to discuss this problem and report on the start of the rehabilitation works at this site. Brovtsev also noted that the constructors should not spoil the park adjacent to the hospital while implementing the works. The delegation also visited the construction sites at water intake and heliport.

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