The Government of South Ossetia has adopted a resolution about the passport system

Thu, 19/05/2011 - 11:20

The measures on providing the passport system, which has started today on 17 May, were discussed at the government session of the Republic. As noted by the chairman of the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister of the government of the RSO Domenty Kulumbegov, the lack of the passport forms upon the model of 2006 has become a problem for many inhabitants of South Ossetia in getting the principal document, certifying the citizenship of the RSO.

"So we have adopted a resolution about issuing the new forms of passports. This measure is necessary, first of all, for improvement of the document – the new passport is more protected. The President of the RSO has signed a decree «About a passport of a citizen of the RSO", ensuring the constitutional rights and liberties for people of the RSO, and has made a decision to issue a new form of passport of the citizen of the RSO as the main document certifying the personality of its owner and his belonging to the South-Ossetian citizenship", - has noted Kulumbegov. He has also reported that in accordance with the decree the passports upon the model of 2006 will be valid till they are substituted for the new ones. The participants of the meeting have discussed the new sample of the form, the description of the passport and also the regulations about the passport of a citizen of the RSO. In compliance with the description of the new passport, the document is made according to the single pattern with indicating all the details in Ossetian and Russian languages. The passports will be given all the citizens of the RSO, who is 14-year old and lives on the territory of the Republic. The residence of the owner, the marital status and the status of military duty of the call-up aged citizens, as well as the other general data will be indicated in the passport. For getting the passport of a citizen of the Republic it`s necessary to submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSO, the birth certificate, the address reference, two personal photos by size 35 x 45 mm. If one could not present the birth certificate the passport can be issued on the grounds of the other documents, confirming the information necessary for getting the passport. If required, the documents for receiving the passport and confirming the legal residence in the Republic of South Ossetia are available. The receiver also has to present a check, certifying the payment of the state duty in amount of 320 roubles. After the comprehensive discussion, the members of the government have unanimously confirmed the resolution about the measures on the passport system. It has been also noted at the meeting that initially the new samples of the documents will be given only the graduates of the schools and the applicants.

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