The official Tbilisi does not trust the georgians living in Leningorskiy region of the RSO

Tue, 24/05/2011 - 13:38

As it is well known, the disturbances, connected with the unwillingness of the Georgian people to see Mikhail Saakashvili being their president, are going on in Tbilisi, Batumi and in the other cities of Georgia. Saakashvili himself has prudently left the rebellious Tbilisi under pretence of the visit in Hungary. Meantime, the authorities of Georgia put pressure on the carriers finding various reasons (the lack of benzine, repair of a bus and etc) for limiting the suburban communication. But the villagers– on their transport, or on foot - are gathering in the cities. In this connection it deserves attention the fact that even being in agony the authorities of Georgia use discriminating methods towards the population of South Ossetia. So if the suburban communication in Georgia is being blocked on various pretexts, as if not related to the public disorders, the road from Leningorskiy region to Georgia has been blocked strictly without any explanations. But the situation is quite comprehensible for everybody. This outrageous fact testifies of the following. In spite of all assurances of comprehensive care and support of the Georgian inhabitants in Leningorskiy region of South Ossetia, the leadership of Georgia is feeling the extreme mistrust towards them. But if there is mistrust anywhere -there are also the reasons for mistrust. Really, the population of Leningorskiy region has not seen no care, no any attention to their problems on the part of Georgia during the twenty years of occupation.

The conspicuous fact is that even the Georgian villagers, living outside South Ossetia, repeatedly wrote the statements with the request to admit them to the citizenship of South Ossetia. The talks of the town have become the desperate appeals of the dwellers of a large village Ditsi in Goriyskiy region; we have the similar appeals from the other villages. The reason of such kind of appeals is that the authorities of South Ossetia, with all their problems and deficiencies, have been interested in the fates of the ordinary toilers. As to the inhabitants of Leningorskiy region, during the period of the occupation they felt some care only on the eve of elections or on the eve of some propagandizing actions, conducted or .inspired by the Georgian leadership. Even at present, in the complicated period of the postwar reconstruction .the leadership of neighboring Georgia has turned off gas in the region, and people had to spend two long winters without gas, in spite of the fact that the majority of the inhabitants of the region are the georgians, and love for the georgians is propagandized as the supreme value of the official Tbilisi! One can see some contradiction, fraud in this situation. But if there is fraud anywhere, there is some mistrust, too. So the officials in Tbilisi are concerned about that the inhabitants of Leningorskiy region will join the ranks of the opponents of Saakashvili. Therefore, Tbilisi ordered to close the road from Leningorskiy region leading to Georgia. On this background one could recall the accusations addressed to South Ossetia and Russia in "constructing the Berlin wall". However, after the rehabilitation of legal power in Leningorskiy region South Ossetia has set up the point of intersection of the state border for the people, who often leave for Georgia. It testifies that discrimination of people and restriction of liberties –is not our way. But the road has been blocked by Georgia itself. And it is Georgia which is fond of different sorts of infringements of human rights, discriminations and "Berlin walls". This attitude is symptomatic for Georgia. It’s usual for Tbilisi to prove the proverb which has an analogue everywhere "The louder than anybody cries «Stop thief! » - a thief himself”.

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