The President of South Ossetia has congratulated the Prime Minister of the government of the Russian Federation on the Day of Russia

Tue, 14/06/2011 - 12:08

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has sent the congratulatory telegram to the Prime Minister of the government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the occasion of celebrating the Day of Russia. It has been reported the News agency "Res» at the Presidential Administration of the Republic. «Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! On behalf of the people of the Republic of South Ossetia and for myself personally I have honour to send you sincere congratulations on the occasion of celebrating the Day of Russia. - is told, in particular, in the telegram. - This holiday – is a symbol of the national unification and general responsibility for the present and the future of Russia, personifying indissolubility of centuries-old traditions of the Russian statehood and the values of freedom and democracy». Eduard Kokoity has noticed that there were great victories, pain and joy, grief and triumph in the history of Russia.

«The ordeals have not subdued the Russian people but only have hardened their character, have revealed their qualities, which have been forming in the depths of their souls during the centuries - courage and heroism, love for the Native land, respect for their roots and origins and belief in justice. Today Russia is a prosperous progressive state; its leadership has been carrying out the qualitative reforms successfully and firmly defends the positions of the country on the international scene», - is told in the congratulation. According to the President, the people of South Ossetia are grateful to the government and the people of Russia for invaluable aid and support which they have been rendering the young state both on the international scene, and in the rehabilitation of the Republic during the difficult post-war period. Eduard Kokoity has wished Vladimir Putin good luck, health and successes in a noble cause of serving Russia, and he has also wished the people of the Russian Federation – peace, well-being and prosperity.

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