The Statement of the Press-service of the RSO Foreign Ministry in regard to the interview of the Ambassador of France in Georgia Eric Furnje

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 11:28

The analysis of the recent years` events allows telling that the world has been learning more truth about the Georgian aggression of August, 2008 against South Ossetia Everybody knows well the main conclusion of the Report of the European Union independent commission, established after the August war and led by the Swiss diplomat Heidi Taliavini that Georgia has launched the war. Among the recent publications it would be remarkable the interview of the ambassador of France in Georgia Eric Furnje to the Georgian magazine "Tbilisebi" where he has made Georgia: responsible for the war launching: «you cannot rewrite history and search for responsibility in some other place, instead of its real location». What is much more important thing, that first for a long time the high rank European politician has mentioned a subject of genocide of the Ossetian people on the part of the Menshevist Georgia in the twenties of the last century.

The Parliament of South Ossetia made a political assessment of the events of 1918-1920 still on October, 13, 2006, and on September, 20, 1990 has adopted the Declaration of the 1920.Genocide.

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