Eduard Kokoity: today we are citing as an example the construction projects being built by the frontier guards

Thu, 30/06/2011 - 11:14

The President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has underlined a special role of the Russian frontier guards in stabilizing the situation around the Republic. «I am glad to note that the Russian frontier guards, considering the national mentality, cooperate with the local population closely irrespective of national identity», - Eduard Kokoity has informed the journalists.

He has underlined that all good deeds of the Russian frontier guards are remembered in the Republic. «We are glad to see them here», - the President has said. «I wish, that in spite of the fact that there are contracts and orders, South Ossetia would become the second Native land for you », - he has added. He has noticed that the fifth facility of the Russian Frontier service of FSB has been opened on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia. «Today we are citing as an example the construction projects being built by the Russian Federation frontier guards. We have no any claims to this constructive units », - has underlined Kokoity. He has also thanked the builders owing to whom «the quality of works from one constructive project to another» has been improving more and more. We should note that the day before one more military camp of the Russian boundary subdivision has been opened in settlement Grom (Tshkinvalskiy region, RSO).

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