Boris Chochiev: Georgia has managed to misinform the United Nations General Assembly

Wed, 20/07/2011 - 15:56

The delegation of South Ossetia will participate in the work of the second working group of the Geneva discussions, but it will not discuss the refugee problem. It has been declared by the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev at the briefing in Tskhinval after the meeting with co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions. He is convinced that nevertheless the voice of South Ossetia and Abkhazia will be heard through the United Nations General Assembly.

«We hope that the General Assembly will make the decision on our invitation to the session where our appeal will be heard», - Chochiev has noted. The Plenipotentiary was confused to learn that the United Nations General Assembly adopts decisions on South Ossetia and Abkhazia behind the back of these states. «Behind our back the General Assembly not only adopts, discusses and votes for the resolution, but even suggests to the participants of the Geneva discussions the ways we should follow», - he has noted. Chochiev has also reminded that South Ossetia addressed to the United Nations General Assembly with the request to give them opportunity to report on the real situation with refugees in South Ossetia, but the «Washington regional committee» did not give them visas. «It means that they do not want to hear the truth», - Chochiev has emphasized. He has also reminded that last year the position of South Ossetia concerning the resolution of refugee problems in Leningorskiy region of the RSO was stated. «The offer has been ignored by the international organizations, because it was not included into the previous plan, - I mean Georgia. We have broken their plans concerning the construction of so-called place of constant residing in Tserovani on money of the western taxpayers, having suggested them to live either in Tserovani, or in Leningor. But, of course, they (Georgia) have started to put obstacles in the way of their returning. At the same time they have chosen other form of work - to misinform the United Nations General Assembly and, unfortunately, they succeeded in doing it»,-the Plenipotentiary has declared. Concerning the other humanitarian directions, Chochiev has declared: «the countries which presided at the OSCE, tried to solve an issue of supplying electricity in Leningorskiy region, but met with a refusal of the Georgian authorities, and we had to address to the leadership of Russia for resolving this problem. Electricity has been conducted there. However an issue of gas supply remains unresolved in the region. The leadership of Georgia led by Saakashvili politicized this problem and refuses categorically to supply the inhabitants of Leningorskiy region with gas». The Plenipotentiary has noticed that last week the meeting of the President of the RSO with the public joint-stock company management "Gazprom" took place in Tskhinval; during the meeting the agreement has been reached that one of the key points at the intergovernmental session in Leningor will be the construction of the gas pipeline Tskhinval - Leningor. During the briefing Chochiev has also underlined that the preparation for the next round of the Geneva discussions is in progress. «Today we have informed the parties about our position. Unfortunately, there is no any progress in a question of signing the legally obliging document on force -non-use yet», - the Plenipotentiary has informed. Meanwhile, Chochiev has marked as the positive factor in a format of the Geneva discussions the activity of mechanism on prevention and reaction to incidents (MPRI), having underlined that during the meeting with co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions some questions, which should be considered in the course of these meetings, have been discussed. In turn, the co-chairman of the Geneva discussions - the EU-spokesman Pierre Morel has informed the journalists that there are some complicated questions and disagreements, but one should have any balanced point of view. «We do not forget about the purpose of the non-use of force document and the international agreements on safety, -it is our key work, -we should move gradually if we want to achieve the ultimate aim», - Morel has said. In turn the spokesman of the United Nations Anti Turunen has noticed that the humanitarian questions are also the important part of negotiations. «It is very important to improve the conditions of life of people who have suffered in the conflict», - Turunen has declared. According to Giedrius Chekuolis (OSCE), participation of South Ossetia in the second group is obligatory. «It is the only platform where the position of South Ossetia could be heard, there is no another approach to this problem», - he has informed. The following round of the Geneva discussions will take place on October, 4.

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