The Supreme Court of South Ossetia has not satisfied the appeal of the initiative group of Albert Dzhussoev against the decision of the Central Election Committee

Fri, 21/10/2011 - 16:04

The panel of the Supreme Court judges of South Ossetia has not satisfied the appeal of the initiative group, nominating the General Director of the Public corporation «Stroyprogress» Albert Dzhussoev for presidential elections in the RSO, against the resolution of the Central Election Committee passed on October, 12. As informed by the press-service of the Supreme Court of the RSO, « the panel of the three Supreme Court judges has considered this case: a chief justice Atsamaz Bichenov and two judges -Karina Tskhovrebova and Nelli Tibilova.

The panel of judges has not satisfied the appeal of the initiative group against the decision of the Central Election Committee, passed on October, 12 and has confirmed the refusal of the Central Election Committee on registration Albert Dzhussoev as the presidential nominee». According to the representative of the press-service, the court decision is definitive and unappealable. It should be reminded, that on October, 12 the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia refused registration of the general director of the Public corporation «Stroyprogress» Albert Dzhussoev as the candidate for the Presidency. This decision has been motivated by conclusion of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which Dzhussoev has not constantly been living in the territory of the RSO within the last ten years: that is infringement of requirements necessary for registration the presidential candidates. After the refusal of registration, Albert Dzhussoev's initiative group has submitted the appeal against the decision of the Central Election Committee to the Supreme Court of the RSO.

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