At the round table in Tskhinval it was made a decision to create a new political party

Thu, 22/03/2012 - 15:50

A round table has been held in Tskhinval, where it was discussed the idea of creating a new political party named "For civic dignity." The organizer of the round table was "Association of the South Ossetian Women for Democracy and Human Rights." According to the president of the "Association of the South Ossetian Women for Democracy and Human Rights" Lira Tskhovrebova, one of the objectives of the new party will be promoting development of the civil society. "Thanks to the activities of our association, we were able to give analytical material to position of women in society, to the state of civil society, and now thanks to creation of a new party, we will be able to improve the situation in these areas," - said Tskhovrebova.

She noted that future members of the party will have the opportunity to be engaged in all spheres of social, economic and political life of the Republic. According to the editor of a newspaper "South Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova, the today's young people are ill-versed in civil rights. "It is our duty, through creation of a new party, to educate young people and leave them more or less normal basis," – underlined Zalina Tskhovrebova. The round table participants discussed the work of the NGOs in the Republic, the activities of which are assessed negatively by the State, which, in their view, is the unreasonable opinion. In this regard, there is a need to strengthen the position of the NGOs. The participants expressed their hope that with the election of a new president the position of the non-governmental organizations will also change. The roundtable participants agreed to create a new party "For civic dignity"; the founding congress is scheduled for mid-April, 2012.

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