Professional boxer from South Ossetia won by knockout

Fri, 01/06/2012 - 18:08

South Ossetian professional boxer Murat Gassiev won the ratingbattle on 31 May in the city of Ufa.
This has been reported to IA "Res" by the coach of the athlete Vitaly Slanov.
"Gassiev held a fight with a three-time champion of Russia among professionals Taimuraz Keklidze. At the end of the first round, our athlete stroke several accurate blows and sending his opponent to the floor of the ring, won by knockout, "- said Slanov.

According to the trainer, he was very pleased with the performance of his ward. "It is gratifying to note that the skill level of our boxer is improving from fight to fight. I'm sure that Gassiev will have a great sporting future "- he added.
It should be noted that the duel was held in the weight class up to 90 kg.
Gassiev made his debut in professional boxing in September 2011. To date, he held five matches and scored in all of them.
South Ossetian athlete is 18 years old. He is being trained in the Tskhinval branch of the boxing club "Ariana" by the honored coach of South Ossetia and Russia Vitaly Slanov and master of sports Alexander Tedeev. The Ossetian boxer is representing the Russian promotional company "Ural Boxing Promotion."

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