We live in the independent country and our foreign policy relations have been developing independently, - an opinion

Fri, 12/10/2012 - 14:10

Irina Gagloeva, head of the Media Center "IR":

The recent parliamentary elections in Georgia are of interest to us only in the context of our neighborhood and what is the current situation between Georgia and South Ossetia in the last few years. I think that with the advent of the new government in Georgia, one should not expect any significant changes, because conceptually it is not ready for them. We are the independent country and our foreign policy relations have been developing independently, the main focus is on Russia. In Georgiais widely believed a slightly different understanding of our political perspectives, and accordingly, this will not change anything.

Another thing is that some formats, approaches and tone will be changed. This has already been announced. Although it is not certain that all these statements will be realized. I would like to believe in pragmatism and realistic assessment by Georgia of the current processes in our Republic, but, in my opinion, in the near future "Georgian Dream" will not be able to achieve significant changes in this matter. And all those rosy proposals that we hear today from the outside, in general, will be sublimated, as before. Georgia is currently not ready to make the civilized decision, civilized steps in the issues of our relationship, because even if the current leadership wants to change something for the better, in any case, that ideological legacy that it has inherited from the previous leaders of Georgia for 20 -22 years, will not be eradicated so soon and accordingly, the changes will meet obstacles. The national-chauvinist machine has been functioning for a long time in Georgia. And the people were trained too long for a completely different perception of what was really happening in South Ossetia. I think, they will not succeed in making essential changes so soon.
Another thing is that, having a strong desire, it may begin some progress in the relations between our countries, and it would be nice.

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