A minute of silence in memory of those killed by the Georgian aggressors will be observed at the Embassy of Russia in South Ossetia

Mon, 20/05/2013 - 17:33

May 20, in South Ossetia are being held the mourning ceremonies in memory of the victims of the Zar tragedy in 1992, when the civilian refugees from Tskhinval, fleeing from the war zone through the bypass high-mountain road, were killed by the Georgian fascists. The armed group attacked a motorcade that was going to North Ossetia, on the road near the village of Zar and shot them by heavy fire. As a result of this terrible violence were killed 33 people - mostly women, children and old people. Dozens of people were injured.

After that tragedy the Georgian aggressors more times violated not only the rule of war, but also the principle of the Caucasian ethics - not to raise one`s hand against defenseless women and children, when they burnt the entire villages to ashes, sometimes together with the old residents, or when they directed heavy fire against the sleeping town. May 20 in South Ossetia is the Day of Commemoration of all the victims of the Georgian aggression, all those who died as a result of the genocide of the Ossetian people by the Georgian chauvinists in 1920-21, 1991-92 and 2008.
Yearly, on May 20, a lot of people go to the Monument of Sorrow on the Zar road, the monument to the innocent victims of the barbaric crime against humanity, to honor the memory of the victims. Here also come representatives of the Republican leadership, and the few who managed to survive the fire on that terrible day, relatives of the victims, young people.
Traditionally on this day at the Embassy of the Republic of South Ossetia in Russia, as well as on Theatre Square in Tskhinval, at half past eleven the flag will be lowered to half-mast and a minute of silence will be observed in remembrance of all those who were killed by the Georgian aggressors.

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