The Attorney General of Georgia promised to clarify the fate of the missing citizens of the RSO

Tue, 04/06/2013 - 12:08

On May 31 General Prosecutor of Georgia Archil Kbilashvili during a meeting with the relatives of the missing citizens of South Ossetia promised to resume the investigation and apply all efforts to clarify their fate. As IA "Res" was informed by Presidential Commissioner for Human Rights of South Ossetia Inal Tasoev, the meeting had been organized with the assistance of the OSCE Representative Andria Deshchitsa.

"The Attorney General of Georgia met with the mothers of the citizens of South Ossetia Alan Khachirov, Alan Khugaev and Soltan Pliev, kidnapped in October 2008. Mothers of the kidnapped persons outlined the circumstances of the abduction of their sons. Archil Kbilashvili promised to make every effort to clarify the fate of these three people, "- said Tasoev.
He has also added that the leadership and officials of South Ossetia repeatedly raised the issue of clarification of the fate of the kidnapped South Ossetian citizens at the international meetings, talks and other events, attended by the Georgian representatives and the international human rights organizations.
"In response to the pressing demand of the South Ossetia representatives at the meetings in the format of Mechanisms for Prevention and Reaction to Incidents, the Georgian side agreed to provide the relatives of the abducted citizens with the information about the investigation of their cases," - said the commissioner.
It should be reminded that in October 2008 near the border of South Ossetia were kidnapped the citizens of South Ossetia Alan Khachirov, Alan Khugaev and Soltan Pliev. According to the available information, which is confirmed by the OSCE Mission in Georgia, as well as by international experts to investigate cases of the missing persons, these citizens were arrested by law enforcement officers of Georgia. Despite the overwhelming evidence, the Georgian authorities have denied the fact that these citizens were arrested by the law enforcement agencies and military personnel of Georgia.

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