The agreement on inter-parliamentary cooperation has brought relations between South Ossetia and Russia to a new level

Tue, 11/02/2014 - 13:05

The Parliament of South Ossetia held a meeting with the deputy to the State Duma of Russia, a Chairman of the Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration, South Ossetia and Abkhazia Tatiana Moskalkova.
During the meeting they discussed issues of inter-parliamentary cooperation, a joint work to improve the South Ossetian legislation, as well as the issues of construction of a system of state administration.

The Russian MP has recalled a cooperation agreement between the State Duma and the Parliament of South Ossetia, concluded in late 2013, which, according to her, has brought relations between the two countries to a new level.
She has noted that after signing the document has changed the name of the Committee, now it is called the Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
"Our Committee is mandated to deal with issues of interaction with South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and, in this regard, we are trying to develop a new concept of our relationship."
Under this agreement, we have agreed to hold joint sessions of the committees to determine the ways of solving various problems,"- said Moskalkova.
According to her, the joint work of the two legislative bodies has helped to accelerate the ratification of the trade agreement signed between South Ossetia and Russia.
She has noted that active work to develop the legislation of South Ossetia is under way; Russian experts with long lawmaking experience are ready to continue this work.
The deputy has noted that in South Ossetia today there is still a lack of a number of important legal acts that need to be developed. Russian experts are ready to provide necessary assistance in this issue.
"We have worked hard to create the first electronic database of the South Ossetian legislative and regulatory acts," - said the deputy.
Tatyana Moskalkova has pointed to the necessity of parliamentary control over the expenditure of budgetary funds, turnover of investment funds that, in her opinion, will help to build up an efficient economy.
In this regard, Deputy Speaker Yuri Dzitstsoity has emphasized that the Republican Chamber of Accounts does not have time to carry out all assignments of the Parliament.
"President of the Republic also places many challenges before the Chamber of Accounts. This issue must be solved - to establish the Accounting Chamber, which would report to the Parliament. In this case, control over the expenditure of budgetary funds would be more efficient,"- said Dzitstsoity.
About the bills that the Parliament plans to adopt in the near future reported the MP Amiran Diaconov. According to him, the priority is to resolve the issues of administrative governance.
In the course of the meeting were also discussed personnel matters, the formation of a new cabinet, the work on further international recognition of the Republic and the upcoming parliamentary elections in South Ossetia.
Deputy Vadim Tskhovrebov expressed disagreement with the fact that leaders of political parties should join in the new Cabinet.
"Of course, it is possible to form a government on the basis of party membership, I believe that leaders of political parties should not join in the Cabinet", - said the deputy.
He also proposed to return to the system of work, when the nomination of each minister is coordinated with Parliament.
According to him, in this case the Parliament will share responsibility for the formation of the government and will be able to more tightly make the officials answer for the work done.
According to Tatyana Moskalkova, in Russia some party members decided to defect from the party when appointed to high positions.
"We have also conducted heated discussions on this subject, there are different opinions. Today at the presidential administration almost everyone defected from the party, the situation has changed in the formation of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation, which may consist of representatives of the opposition parties. I believe that it would be useful if the heads of the subjects and districts at the municipal level were appointed not on the basis of party membership, but on the basis of their professionalism,"- said Moskalkova.
Vice-Speaker Zurab Kokoev has stressed that the forthcoming elections are of great importance in the political life of the Republic.
"We should prevent excesses. We must ensure the election campaign to be conducted in a calm atmosphere, holding free elections,"-said Kokoev
According to him, the important issue for the Republic is also accession to the Customs Union, simplification of crossing the Russian-South Ossetian border.
Tatyana Moskalkova has noted that the accession of South Ossetia to the Customs Union requires the consent of all members of the organization.
"With regard to simplify the border crossing, this matter comes within our competence. We are also interested in it. This will increase the flow of goods and budget receipts,"- she said.
The meeting participants agreed to meet again in April 2014, to outline future plans for inter-parliamentary cooperation.

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