The "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe" completed in France

Thu, 04/06/2015 - 09:23

In France completed the "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe."
As reported to the news agency "Res" by the Chairman of the non-profit International Association «Renaissance Sandidzan» Radion Pukhaev, the activities in the framework of the program "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe" were held at a very high level.
"This is our fifth year holding of the "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe ", - said Pukhaev. - Within the framework of our program we hold round tables of scientific and creative intelligentsia of Ossetia and Europe, exhibitions, open-air workshops of our artists. "
Pukhaev has noted that the events took place in Belgium, France and Luxembourg.
"During the open-air in Montmedi the population had a chance to talk with the artists, to get acquainted with the culture and creativity of Ossetia - said Pukhaev. - We presented one of the paintings made by our artists in the open air to the leadership of the city."
Pukhaev has added that the purpose of the activities is to develop cultural and creative relationships with colleagues from other countries, to unify Ossetians in Europe, attracting them to closer participation in cultural life of Ossetia.

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