Solemn meeting on the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Act of State Independence of the RSO was held in Tskhinval

Mon, 29/05/2017 - 23:11

The solemn meeting in honor of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Act of Independence of South Ossetia was held in Tskhinval
The leadership of South Ossetia led by President Anatoly Bibilov, head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Vyacheslav Bitarov, ex-presidents of the Republic Ludwig Chibirov, Eduard Kokoity, Leonid Tibilov, deputies of all convocations of the Parliament of South Ossetia, representatives of the scientific and creative intelligentsia gathered in the hall.
Those gathered were greeted by the head of state Anatoly Bibilov who congratulated all the people of South Ossetia on a landmark date.
"25 years for the history of the country is a considerable period of time. Looking back at the traversed path, we see how by the will, struggle and labor of those who created and defended the state has been formed the necessary basis for the revival of South Ossetia. Year after year, thanks to the assistance of the Russian Federation, South Ossetia has been successfully following the path of socio- economic development. Having chosen our path, we see new goals. I am sure that we have all grounds for optimism and confidence. There are no unsolved problems. Our people managed to prove this successfully by the entire history of the development of our state, the key element in the creation of which was the Act of Independence on May 29, 1992, "the president said. - I congratulate all of you and all the people of the Republic of South Ossetia on a wonderful holiday - Independence Day! I wish our people peace, unity and prosperity! ».
The first president of the Republic Ludwig Chibirov spoke about the history of the formation of the statehood of South Ossetia and noted that the people of the Republic had suffered a lot of hardships on the way to gaining independence.
"The last hope for peace was dispelled by the Zar tragedy on May 20, 1992," Chibirov said.
"I remember very well the day of that terrible tragedy; I remember when so many people gathered in the square. I remember the delegation from North Ossetia, when the meeting was attended by Ahsarbeg Galazov and Vyacheslav Barinov. The May tragedy, the massacre of refugees on the Zar road, contributed to the final insight of people, the enlightenment of minds, and there was a radical change in the consciousness of the people, who firmly decided to embark on the path of independence. This all was clearly reflected on the deputies of the Parliament, who at the session on May 29, 1992 adopted a historical document - the Independence Act. "
Chibirov has expressed confidence that President Anatoly Bibilov will continue the work of development and prosperity of South Ossetia, as well as the integration with fraternal republics, and in particular with the Russian Federation.
The head of the Republic of Alania - Vyacheslav Bitarov congratulated all the people of South Ossetia on the holiday.
"25 years ago the people of South Ossetia adopted the Act on the Independence of the Republic," Bitarov said. - I would like to thank all those who took part in the adoption of the historically important document, in particular the deputies of the first convocation - the patriots who directly adopted it. All of them were guided by the idea to save the nation and worked on it. Today we have to work on the development of the state. The Russian Federation has been providing great assistance to South Ossetia and the Ossetian people appreciate this and are grateful to the leadership of the great power represented by President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Anatoly Medvedev. "
About the fateful 90's told the deputy of the first convocation of the South Ossetian parliament Zoya Bitarti.
"Against the backdrop of the non-stopping genocide of our people, we decided to proclaim an independent state. Without the Adjmon Nykhas movement, this most important event in our history would not have happened, "Bitarti said. - Georgia has always tried to enslave us - changed the language of instruction at schools, bringing typewriters with the Georgian alphabet and much more. And the adoption of the Act on the Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia was of great importance for preserving our native language, national spirit for the sake of the bright future of our children. "
The deputy told about the long way of formation of South Ossetia as a sovereign state and has expressed hope that there will be a bright future in the Republic, the independence of which was paid with the blood of its sons, is waiting for.
The grand meeting ended with a festive concert with the participation of the vocal and choreographic ensembles of the Republic, as well as the stars of the South Ossetian and North Ossetian pop music performed their best songs.

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