48 people are on self-isolation in South Ossetia, 34 in hospitals, - the chief sanitary doctor

Sat, 18/04/2020 - 16:02

As of the morning of April 18, there were no infections with the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in South Ossetia, the Republic’s chief sanitary doctor Marina Kochieva told IA “Res“ .

According to her, 48 people are in self-isolation at home in South Ossetia (85 a day before), of which 18 are in the Republic’s districts and 30 in the capital.

“There are 34 people in the Republic’s medical organizations, 24 of them are citizens of the Republic who arrived in two stages from Vladikavkaz. Three citizens are in the Leningor hospital, -31 people are in the Republican medical center, including the drivers of heavy trucks who delivered goods to the Republic, five citizens with various clinical analyses "said Kochieva.

According to her, over the past 24 hours, eight tests for coronavirus have been carried out, all of them showed a negative result, "in total we conducted more than 130 tests and all of them are negative."

President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov in connection with the difficult situation for the spread of coronavirus inIA neighboring countries announced April 21-30 as non-working days in the Republic, while the salary of workers will be preserved. The decree does not apply to officials, organizations providing the vital activity of the Republic.

In addition, the government of South Ossetia on Friday extended the period of restrictive measures related to combating coronavirus infection until April 26 inclusive. General education institutions will be closed until April 30, distance learning is extended there.

Earlier, the government of South Ossetia adopted a resolution restricting the border crossing with Russia until May 1. Also, due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection, all medical institutions are quarantined and operate in a special mode.

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