Almost three decades separate us from this mournful date. But even today, the human mind cannot comprehend the monstrous crime that took place on the Zar road, said the Chairman of the Government of South Ossetia, Eric Pukhaev, speaking at a commemorative event dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the Zar tragedy,
"Every year, with a feeling of deep sorrow, we rise to the Zar memorial to honor the memory of our compatriots who became victims of the Georgian fascism.
“We have no right to forget not only about the victims of the Zar tragedy, but also about all those who were killed in the wars against the Georgian aggressor, who took an active part in the defense of the independence and freedom of our state, but did not survive to this day,” said Eric Pukhaev during the mourning rally.
"Speaker of the South Ossetian Parliament Alan Tadtaev called the shooting of peaceful refugees on the Zar road, the bloodiest, most monstrous act of the next stage of the Ossetian genocide 1989-1992.
“This is the greatest tragedy when Georgian fascists shot 36 defenseless civilians - old people, women and children - fleeing the atrocities of the Georgian informals on the Zar road, the only road that led from besieged Tskhinval to Russia and was called the “road of life." This terrible crime against the Ossetian people, against humanity, which violated all the principles of humanism and morality, still remains unpunished, although both the customers and the performers of this bloody massacre are known, And the pain and grief of the people, relatives and friends of the victims of the ZAR tragedy are even more amplified by the understanding that criminals are at large. There should not be forgiveness for the bloodthirsty Georgian villains who committed this brutal crime. "said the Speaker.