An extensive block of humanitarian issues: the co-chairs discussed the next round of the Geneva discussions in Tskhinval


Negotiations within the framework of the Geneva discussions

After Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia in 2008 and forcing the aggressor to peace, the efforts of the South Ossetian party were aimed at ensuring security and stability in the Republic. This was stated by the head of the South Ossetian delegation, State Advisor to the President Konstantin Kochiev at the meeting of the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions in Tskhinval.

The co-chairs of the Geneva discussions arrived in the Republic on Tuesday.

“During this time, a lot has been done, although it may not be too noticeable from the outside, but we all understand well what role the Geneva discussions play in ensuring stability in the Caucasus,” Kochiev said.

He has noted with regret that many open questions still remain.

“This also applies to security issues. First of all, this is reaching the agreement of all parties involved regarding the signing of a legally binding document on the non-use of force, the work on which has been going on for a long time,” he has emphasized.

Kochiev has clarified that resolving this issue is the important task for the Geneva discussions in the coming time.

“In addition, the important task is the beginning of the work on delimiting the border between South Ossetia and Georgia, between Georgia and Abkhazia,” Kochiev has noted. “This would ensure stability in the region and avoid many unpleasant incidents when people simply do not know where whose piece of land is.”

According to him, a wide range of humanitarian issues remains to be discussed, “and first of all, these are issues related to the problem of the missing persons.”

“The Georgian party continues to sabotage the work on the issue of missing persons,” he said.

Kochiev expressed gratitude to the co-chairs for the attention and support that the South Ossetian party receives from them.

“There are many questions regarding the problem of missing persons that are designed to ensure the most careful preparation for the upcoming round in Geneva,” he has added.

The EU Co-Chair Toivo Klaar has noted that for many years the stable situation in the region is the proof of the effectiveness of joint work.

“We have many tasks that still need to be solved,” he clarified. “The recommendations under the Agreement, which was concluded at the end of 2008, have not been fully implemented and we must make every effort to implement them.”

He has added that today's meeting is dedicated to discussing the vision of the current situation and doing everything to move forward.

The next round of international discussions in Geneva will take place on June 25-26.

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