The South Ossetian media at the Manzherok festival: exchange of experience and new contacts

Sun, 25/08/2024 - 17:52

The International Youth Festival "Manzherok" dedicated to the media industry, in which South Ossetian media also took part, has ended in the Altai Republic.

The festival became a platform for exchanging experiences, discussing modern media trends and challenges, as well as establishing new contacts.

The forum program was rich and diverse. The panel discussions covered current issues in the media industry: "Eurasia - a space uniting people, ideas and economy", "The EAEU space: mutual benefit and development for all participants" and "MediaEurasia: an honest view of the world". The lecture "Social networks. New formats for increasing media efficiency" helped the participants to understand the intricacies of promotion in social networks. At the master class "The content generation. How to hook subscribers?" the participants were given practical advice on creating interesting and attractive content.

In addition, the festival participants got acquainted with the beauty of Altai, visited local attractions, and took part in a media tour dedicated to revealing the tourist potential of the Altai Mountains.

A representative of the South Ossetian mass media, Zarina Khubaeva, noted the importance of such forums for professional and personal development.

“At the Manzherok, the participants were given the opportunity not only to receive the useful information that they can apply in their future activities, but also to get acquainted with the beautiful Altai. The forum program was diverse and interesting. The organizers prepared educational, cultural and sports events for the participants. Many words of gratitude to the organizers for thinking through every detail and creating an atmosphere of cozy and productive communication,” Khubaeva said.

Journalists, bloggers, writers, experts and opinion leaders from 15 CIS and Eurasia countries took part in the international youth forum.

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