The violation of the South Ossetian airspace discussed at the meeting within the framework of the IPRM


It is quite difficult to confirm the affiliation of unmanned aerial vehicles violating the airspace of South Ossetia, however, such facts are being monitored, the head of the South Ossetian delegation to the IPRM, Yegor Kochiev, has noted in a comment to journalists.

"When we report on the hotline about the fact of the aircraft flight and the Georgian side tries to identify it, the drone leaves the airspace of South Ossetia, or lands, possibly on the territory of Georgia, accordingly, it is quite difficult to confirm the fact of the flight," Kochiev said.

As emphasized by the head of the delegation, nevertheless, such facts are being monitored. The Georgian party also periodically activates the hotline on the fact of the drone flights.

"It is indirectly confirmed that the drones belong to the Georgian side, since the Georgian segment of social networks on the Internet is full of photographs of the territory of South Ossetia. These pictures are taken both from the Georgian territory and directly over the territory of the Republic," he gas noted.

According to Kochiev, the facts of violation of the airspace of South Ossetia are monitored; the data is transmitted via a hotline and to the Georgian party at the meetings in the IPRM format, where appropriate measures are taken.

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