The State Drama Theater of South Ossetia will go on tour to Nizhny Novgorod

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 18:17

The State Drama Theater of South Ossetia will take part in the festival of Russian foreign theaters "Theatre Autumn", dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the Great Russian writer Alexander Pushkin.

As reported by Minister of Culture of the Republic of South Ossetia Rada Dzagoeva, the large-scale forum will unite the Russian-language theaters from different countries.

"The event will be held on the initiative and with the support of Ministry of Culture of Russia. The main program of the festival will include performances based on the works of the Great Russian poet, which will be presented by theater groups from Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia and Russia," Dzagoeva said.

According to her, the South Ossetian Theater will present the play "Boris Godunov".

“Last year, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation provided our theatre with grant support. The play "Boris Godunov" was staged with these funds. This year our theater received another grant, and in the anniversary year of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin we decided to stage a children's play - the fairy tale "About the Fisherman and the Fish", - Dzagoeva has noted.

She has added that in November the South Ossetian troupe will present to the audience the premiere of the play "Til", on which the invited director Kazbek Dzheliev is working.

"From September 8 to 15, the festival of National theaters was held in Grozny, where theater critics and jury members noted the work of Dzheliev and the South Ossetian troupe as one of the best. For objective and partly subjective reasons, last year the theater was unable to release the production of "Til", but the premiere will definitely take place in November," she said.

Dzagoeva added that an offer had been received from Kazbek Dzheliev to prepare a large-scale production based on one of the works of the well-known Ossetian playwright Gheor Khugaev.

“To implement this project, considerable financial resources are needed, but we will find the way out of the situation,” the Minister has concluded.

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