
Syria: concrete steps against empty words

01/08/2017 - 12:27

The tragic news came from the Syrian Arab Republic last weekend. On Sunday, July 30, the correspondent of the television channel Russia Today, Khalid al-Khatib, was killed as a result of shelling by the militants in the area of ​​Sukhna in the east of the province of Homs during the information coverage of the operation of the Syrian army against the militants IGIL *. His colleague, the operator of the TV channel RT, was also wounded.

Inal Pliev: Revival of representative bodies of power is a real revolution

29/07/2017 - 11:15

The presence of representative authorities in the Republic of South Ossetia is stipulated by the Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia; however, in fact such bodies do not exist. I would like to briefly recall the historical and socio-political conditions in which the cessation of their activities took place.

Russian military and border guards - safeguarding peace in South Ossetia

29/07/2017 - 08:26

Recently, the Georgian side has intensified efforts to discredit the Russian military presence in South Ossetia. The reasons for this are farfetched pretexts, and the only goal is to try to remove the main guarantor of the Republic's security from the territory of South Ossetia.

Some aspects of the South Ossetian-Russian relations

10/07/2017 - 21:01

The newest period of South Ossetian-Russian relations began, unfortunately, with tragic pages of the history of South Ossetia.
In 1991, Georgia launched open military aggression against South Ossetia. Taking advantage of South Ossetia's lack of access to the central mass media of the Soviet Union, the Georgian authorities succeeded in creating an image of "South Ossetian separatists", although it is absurd to call separatists those people who do not want to leave their state.

It's time for Georgia to return to the tested path of historical development

24/06/2017 - 16:41

Today, more than a quarter of a century after the signing of the Act on Restoration of State Independence of Georgia on April 9, 1991, the collapse of the project of an "independent Georgian state" is becoming increasingly evident.
Such a conclusion is made by all those who observe the situation in the neighboring country from an objective standpoint and have the opportunity to compare the level of development of the economic, social, cultural, scientific, industrial and other key spheres of life.

Georgia did not join NATO, but NATO entered Georgia

13/06/2017 - 20:07

Continues nearly thirty-year Saga with the idea of Georgia's accession to the NATO, which is advertised nearly as a national idea of the Georgian people already from the end of the already half-forgotten 1980-years.

The Zar tragedy: meanness and generosity

20/05/2017 - 18:50

On May 20, 1992, a Georgian armed group infiltrated through the Zar bypass road, which connected the besieged city of Tskhinval and the Dzau district.
When appeared the vehicles, which carried the travelers, they opened an aimed fire, killing more than 30 people. The nature of the injuries has shown that the wounded were mercilessly finished off. However, one man managed to escape, but because of the loss of blood and stress, he went to the Georgian village, where civilians killed him after brutal tortures.

Syria: there is hope for peace, but the decisive word will tell the time

12/04/2017 - 19:27

Recently, certain prospects for a peaceful settlement have emerged in the Syrian Arab Republic. The conditions for this were largely created thanks to the military successes of Russia. Of course, the West does not agree with this development. Despite the coming to power in the United States of forces, at least in words advocating for a dialogue with Russia, the leadership of the Pentagon retains certain inertia in this direction. This leads to continued attempts to cast a shadow on Moscow's peacekeeping activities.

Voter turnout in the Republic at 12.00 is 33, 487%

09/04/2017 - 15:57

Voter turnout in the presidential elections and the referendum in the Republic at 12.00 is 33.487 percent, reported the Сhairman of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia Bella Plieva in the press center of the South Ossetian Election Committee.
"The percentage of voters in Tskhinval by 12.00 is 31, 233 percent, in Tskhinval district - 35, 294 % , in Dzau district - 14, 236 %, in Kvaisa - 44, 972% , in Znaur district - 33, 475 %, in Leningor district - 44, 957 %," said Plieva.
Plieva has also pointed out the activity of voters in the territory of North Ossetia.
