

Wed, 02/03/2011 - 16:00

University complex will have been built in South Ossetia

The new university complex is expected to build in the capital of South Ossetia within the nearest three years. About this the leader of press-service of the president and the government of the Republic of South Ossetia Vyacheslav Sedov has reported to IA "Res".


Tue, 01/03/2011 - 18:37

Policy of the opened doors on Georgian way

Recently the leadership of Georgia has declared publicly about "the policy of opened doors" in relations with the people of North Caucasus. It has been constantly affirming that the citizens of North-Ossetian republics have been given a right to cross the territory of Georgia without visa. Also, in the same way the citizens of Georgia can arrive in North Caucasus without visas, if they have Russian citizenship. And if they have not the citizenship - only with the visas.

Tue, 01/03/2011 - 18:35

The scheme of the territorial planning - is a guarantee of a successful state

The round table "Realization of the scheme of territorial planning (STP) and the plan of socio-economic development of RSO – is a guarantee of the successful building of the foundation of the political system in the Republic" took place in Tskhinval.
The Round table has been organized by the South-Ossetian branch of the Institute of the Eurasian researches and the Republican political party "Unity".

Tue, 01/03/2011 - 15:46

South Ossetia to Participate in the 15th Round of the Geneva Discussions

The South Ossetian side is going to firmly raise the issue of elaboration of legally binding non-use of force document at the forthcoming 15th round of international diccussions on security in the South Caucasus, Boris Chochiev, the head of the South Ossetian Delegation to the discussions, Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement, told IA RES.
“After the 2.5 years of the discussions, there no developments in the elaboration of the draft legally binding document on non-use of force”, noted Chochiev.

Tue, 01/03/2011 - 15:42

Yana Amelina: "Revolutionary statements" are impossible in South Ossetia and Abkhazia

The hysteria of the antigovernmental unrests, accompanied by raids, mass fights and other unlawful actions, in theory, may spread also to the Transcaucasian republics, with the exception of South Ossetia and Ankhazia. This statement was made by Yana Amelina, head of the Caucasian sector of the Kazan Center of regional and ethno-religious studies, while commenting to IA "RES" on the possibility of repetition of the Near-Eastern scenario in Transcaucasus.
"All Transcaucasian states have a huge internal conflict potential, - said Amelina. – Mass discontent of the population with one or another action of the government or the leadership on the whole are characteristic for them, as well as with the corruption pierced society (we are now talking about Georia, though its leadership is trying naively to popularize Christmas-tale image of this state, which had allegedly got rid of this social evil), a vast gap between the poor and the rich layers of society in the incomes and the opportunities for self-actualization, as well as other social pests, creating the situation on revolution".

Tue, 01/03/2011 - 15:39

The layout of the RSO territory planning to be discussed in Tskhinval

A round table "Implementation of the territory planning layout and the plan of socio-economic development of South Ossetia – guaranty of successfully laid foundation of the Republic's statehood" will take place today in the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia, Tskhinval.
The activity will be organized by the South Ossetian branch office of the Institute of Eurasia Studies and the Republican party "Edinstvo".


Mon, 28/02/2011 - 19:05

More than 300 million roubles will be assigned for children institutions

More than 300 million roubles will be given for construction and capital repairs of children institutions in social sphere. As the Head of Press-service of the President and the Government of South Ossetia Vyacheslav Sedov said to the IA «Res», this sum would be assigned for the purposes within the frames of the Investment program for assistance the socio-economic development of South Ossetia in 2011.
It is planned to make a thorough repairs of three city kindergartens, to carry out the project and construction of a kindergarten in Java. The thorough repairs have also been planned in two secondary schools in Tskhinval.
«A new school will be constructed in Khetagurovo, too»,-informed Sedov.

Mon, 28/02/2011 - 17:22

Eduard Kokoity: The Investment Program Envisages Everything That Is Necessary for the Development of South Ossetia

The activities of the Inter-Governmental Commission for Socio-Economic Cooperation between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation marks the transition to the new stage in the relations between the two states, and this will help avoid past unfavorable criticism in relation to the implementation of the complex plan of the Republic's rehabilitation, stated the South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity at the press-briefing in Vladikavkaz following the third session of the Inter-Governmental Commission. "The Inter-Governmental Commission is based on parity approach. South Ossetian and Russian sides are equally represented in the Commission. All sites needed for social and economic development of South Ossetia are envisaged within the Investment Program", noted the President.
He expressed his belief that the next session of the Commission to be held in South Ossetia, would bring certain results.

Mon, 28/02/2011 - 17:17

The war in August 2008.The eye-witnesses are telling. Rudik Gagloev

Gagloev Rudik Soslanovich, 1960. Citizen of Tskhinval.
The War in August 2008 has brought our people much troubles and miseries. Within the seventh and eighth of August 2008 at night, when started the war, I was at home with my wife and my little child. The first blasts have thundered at 12 o'clock of the night. We came down into the cellar, I thought that we would wait some time, and the fire would subside. The Georgians periodically had been firering South Ossetia, provoking us on return actions. But this time the situation turned out otherwise. The terrifying blasts have been hearing. My daughter was crying, she did not understand what was occurring.
