

Mon, 23/05/2011 - 17:23

Sergo Mindiashvili: It hurt me particularly seeing all the useless horrors of the armed aggression, unleashed by the management of Georgia

A book of the honoured cultural worker of the Republic of South Ossetia, a member of the Writers` Union of .the RSO, a member of the international association of the writers` unions, a poet, a prosaist, a publicist and a translator Sergo Mindiashvili "Dyvydon аrty" ("The double .misfortune") has been lately published. The book has been issued in honour of the 70-year jubilee of the poet, at the support and financial aid of the State Committee of Information and Mass communications of the RSO. One-volume edition of the poet includes the selected works written during the 50 years of his creative activity. "The book consists of two parts.

Mon, 23/05/2011 - 12:30

The KGB of South Ossetia has instituted the criminal proceedings on the fact of assaulting upon the border guard detachment

The investigating department of the KGB of South Ossetia has instituted the criminal proceedings on the fact of assaulting upon the border guard detachment under the article 317 of the Law (encroachment upon life of the employee of the law-enforcement body) and under the article 322 (illegal crossing of the State border). It has been reported IA "Res" by the press-service of KGB in the RSO. On 18 May, near the village Lopan in Znaurskiy region the border guard detachment of the Border service of KGB in South Ossetia was fired in the course of patrolling the boundary of South Ossetia.


Sat, 21/05/2011 - 15:39

Igor Smirnov: This tragedy has struck the whole civilized world by its cruelty

The President of the Transdniestria Moldavian Republic Igor Smirnov has sent a telegram to the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity on the occasion of the 19-th anniversary of Zarskaya tragedy. In the telegram, in particular, is said: "Dear Eduard Dzhabeevich! On behalf of the leadership of the Transdniestria Moldavian Republic and on behalf of myself personally I express high respect and send the words of empathy and support in this mourning for the people of South Ossetia day. 19 years ago, on 20 May 1992, the monstrous tragedy has occurred in South Ossetia. On Zarskaya road – the single way from the siege Tskhinval to the safe North Ossetia – the Georgian gunmen shot the unarmed refugees. This tragedy, the victims of which became the peaceful inhabitants- women, children and oldsters-has struck the whole civilized world by its cruelty. It testifies, that under the pseudo-peaceful statements of Tbilisi stands the policy of the merciless genocide, conducted with reference to the ossetians.

Sat, 21/05/2011 - 12:34

South Ossetia handed over five violators of the state boundary to Georgia

Four violators of the boundary of the Republic of South Ossetia, detained by the South-Ossetian frontier-guards on 18 May, today have been handed over to the representatives of the European Union and Georgia after the meeting within the framework of the Mechanisms on prevention the incidents on the state border. It has been reported IA "Res" by the Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on the post conflict settlement Merab Chigoev. "On 18 May one more violator - a citizen of Georgia – who had been detained two days earlier, - was handed over with the other ones. It is, on our part, a humanitarian act, which has to be appreciated ", - has emphasized Chigoev. He has noted that the abovementioned meeting took place in the village Dvani (Georgia) not far from the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia on the initiative of the representatives of the mission of the observers of EU for discussing the incident of 18 May.


Fri, 20/05/2011 - 12:34

The citizens of Georgia have violated the border of South Ossetia through ignorance of the frontier rules

Four citizens of Georgia, who have been detained by the border guards of the Border service of KGB in the RSO for violating the frontier on 18 May, are feeling themselves well and have no claims concerning the prison conditions. The detainees themselves have told about it in the course of the meeting with the journalists in Tskhinval. They don`t speak Russian so they were associating with the journalists through the translator. According to the words of the 20-year- old inhabitant of the village Modzvi (Sachkherskiy region, Georgia) Nodzadze, early in the morning of the 18 of May, he went to the wood by minibus with the other villagers for picking up the .wild plants. «There were eleven of us in the minibus. We have arrived in the wood and began picking up the wild plants. Approximately .in half an hour the armed people in military form came up to the tree, on which I was at that moment, and offered me to come down ", - has told Nodzadze. He has reported that the shooting started at the moment of their detention, but being under stress he did not understand, who was shooting and what weapon it was "The people sitting in the minibus had no any weapon", - has confirmed Nodzadze.

Fri, 20/05/2011 - 11:00

The detained citizens of Georgia will be expelled from South Ossetia

Four citizens of Georgia detained on 18 May in South Ossetia for violating the boundary, will be expelled to the Georgian territory in the nearest future. It has been reported by the Deputy Head of the Border service of KGB in the RSO Robert Gazzaev. He has reported that the investigating measures were undertaken towards the detainees.

Fri, 20/05/2011 - 10:58

20 May 1992- is a bloody date of the modern history of Ossetia - Zarskaya tragedy

On the Day of memory and grief - 20 May in South Ossetia will be held the mourning events, dedicated to the 19-th anniversary of Zarskaya tragedy. As the Deputy Minister of Culture of the RSO Dzhulietta Dzheranova has reported IA "Res», the laying flowers and wreaths to the monument of the victims of Zarskaya tragedy will take place in the village Zar."A mourning meeting with the participation of the leadership of the Republic, the deputies of the parliament, the representatives of the government, and the public organizations of South Ossetia will be held there", - has said Dzheranova. She has noted that tomorrow since ten o`clock in the morning the buses will leave for the place of the tragedy- village Zar- from the central square of Tskhinval.


Thu, 19/05/2011 - 15:58

The Delegation from South Ossetia will meet with the local journalists and businessmen in Israel

The Delegation from South Ossetia is intending to leave for Israel, where it will hold a range of the meetings with Israeli journalists and businessmen, as well as with the representatives of the ossetian diaspora in this Middle East country. The visit of the delegation headed by the head of the. Government administration of the RSO Eleonora Bedoeva and the chief editor of the newspaper "South Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova will take place on invitation of the executive manager of the Israeli office of the worldwide congress of the russian-language Jewry Elion Vilenchik. "In the course of the trip we shall meet with the journalists of the russian-language publications in Israel for further interaction and expansion of the informational space of South Ossetia. We are also planning to work out the joint journalistic projects for struggling with the fascist manifestations all over the world", - has told IA "Res" the chief editor of the newspaper "South Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova.

Thu, 19/05/2011 - 14:21

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO: The entering the World Trade Organization by Russia is not connected with the Georgian ambitions

The question of entering the Russian Federation in the World Trade Organization (WTO) will not be connected with the Georgian ambitions on checking up the border of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It has been declared IA "Res" by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev, commenting the position of Georgia related to joining Russia in the WTO. "This question was being discussed between Russia and Georgia in the course of many years, but the authorities of Georgia politicize this problem using the incorrect comic elements. The question of entering Russia in WTO will not be connected with the Georgian ambitions on controlling the neighboring sovereign states – the Republic of South Ossetia and Abkhazia", - has declared the Head of the foreign policy department of the RSO. Dzhioev has noted that checking up the pass system on the boundary of Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia is only the business of these states establishing their relationship based on the contractual Law in accordance with the international standards. «Georgia has not to apply to these states, as to the bilateral relations of any other state" - has emphasized the Minister.

Thu, 19/05/2011 - 14:19

Four violators have been detained on the boundary of South Ossetia and Georgia

On 18 May, near the village Lopan in Znaurskiy region a group of the Georgian citizens, residing at the territory of South Ossetia illegally, were detained by the border guards of the Border service of the KGB of South Ossetia in the course of the actions on guarding the boundary. It has been reported IA "Res" by the press-service of the KGB of the RSO.
