


Wed, 08/06/2011 - 17:25

The South-Ossetian side has called the co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions to work in more principled way

Georgia is not ready to sign the document on non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It has been reported the IA «Res» by the head of the South-Ossetian delegation at the Geneva debates, the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on questions of the post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev over the phone from Geneva, following the results of the 16 round of the Geneva discussions. As he said, the meeting was very hard as the Georgian party behaved itself extremely incorrectly. «The Georgian side feels pressure on the part of the international organizations, - the Plenipotentiary has noted. - the international community, unlike the post conflict period (the Georgian aggression in August, 2008 - a comment of the editor) when it had not trustworthy information, has already received it, and now it makes conclusions about Georgia which has been recognized as the country-aggressor in the report of Taliavini».

Wed, 08/06/2011 - 11:12

Georgy Kabisov: Everybody knows who is an aggressor - including the West

The films rousing hatred towards certain nations and rehabilitating any kind of crimes against peaceful people have been produced in different countries, under the different regimes, including the Hitler Germany. It has been reported the IA "Res" by the Chairman of the State Committee of information and mass communications of South Ossetia Georgy Kabisov, commenting the film by Reni Kharlin shot in the USA «Five days of August». The head of the State Committee has noticed that the Hitler propaganda fulfilled its mission, befuddling the German people, while the fascist regime was dealing shortly and cruelly with the disliked persons, exterminated millions of people, wiping the whole states from the face of Europe. «It’s obvious that the Georgian regime and its American patrons wish to hide the truth and obtrude incorrect representation about the events of August, 2008 upon the world, - Kabisov has told. – But it is impossible to do it by means of documentary cinematography, because it testifies against them.


Tue, 07/06/2011 - 17:54

The Days of the Ossetian youth will pass in Dagestan

The delegation of South Ossetia will take part in celebrating the Days of the Ossetian youth in Dagestan. It has been reported the IA «Res» by the head of the department of youth policy under the Ministry of Education Emilija Gagieva. As she has said, the action was organized within the framework of friendship and cooperation, signed between the Management of youth policy of the RSO and the Committee on youth affairs of the Republic of Dagestan.

Tue, 07/06/2011 - 17:53

The South-Ossetian delegation has met with the representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva

In Geneva the bilateral consultation of the South-Ossetian delegation with the representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees on the issue of refugees from Leningorskiy region of the RSO- both the Ossetian, and the Georgian nationality -has taken place. It has been reported by the head of the South-Ossetian delegation Boris Chochiev over the phone from Geneva. According to his words, in Geneva the informational sessions have been also held - one concerning the document of non-use of force, another one –of humanitarian nature. Today the plenary session with the co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions will take place.

Tue, 07/06/2011 - 11:35

South Ossetia: the information spread by Tbilisi is nothing more, than cheap provocation

In connection with the statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia about the so-called attempt of carrying out the act of terrorism against the NATO representation in Tbilisi by a certain Badri Gogiashvili in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia and the Russian frontier troops deployed in the Republic, the head of the press-service of the President and the government of South Ossetia Vyacheslav Sedov has declared the IA "Res" that the information spread by Tbilisi is nothing more, than cheap provocation.


Mon, 06/06/2011 - 17:02

South-Ossetian journalists have returned from Israel

South-Ossetian journalists have returned from a trip to Israel. As the head of the delegation - an editor-in-chief of the public-political newspaper "South Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova- has informed the correspondent of the IA "Res", it was a familiarization trip for establishing contacts with the Israeli colleagues. «During the trip we have met with the journalists and heads of Russian-language editions of Israel. We have arranged about working out the joint journalistic projects for further interaction and expansion of informational space of South Ossetia», - Tskhovrebova has said. Besides, in Israel the representatives of South Ossetia have met with the Jews who lived in South Ossetia before the Georgian-Ossetian war in 1989-1992 and were compelled to leave their houses because of the inflamed conflict.

Mon, 06/06/2011 - 17:00

South Ossetia once again raises a question on non-use of force in Geneva

The next 16 round of the international discussions on safety in Transcaucasia has started in Geneva. The South-Ossetian delegation is intending to raise a question on development of the legal document about non-use of force by Georgia against South Ossetia. According to the head of the delegation, the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on questions of the post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev, the necessity of working out this document was being discussed by the participants of the debates for a long time, however we have no any progress today.


Fri, 03/06/2011 - 18:37

Kosta Dzugaev: The lack of political reaction to various important events becomes intolerable. Kosta Dzugaev- a state counselor of the President of the RSO- about the activities of the political parties in South Ossetia

The political parties representing the interests of any social groups are the necessary elements of the modern democratic society and the rule created by this society. In this respect our Republic has passed the significant way from the domestic policy development: from the one-party system in the USSR to the modern multi-party system. The activity of the Communist party is historically successive: after the collapse of the CPSU the communists of South Ossetia hold a founding-rehabilitative congress and established their own party, then being included in the Union of the communist parties and nowadays closely connected with "the Zyuganov" Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF).
