
Leonid Tibilov received the delegation of the Russian Federation

27/08/2013 - 14:23

Today in Tskhinval South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov has received the delegations of the Russian Federation Council, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria and the Stavropol region, arrived in the Republic on the festivities.
The meeting addressed the issues of cooperation with Russia as a whole, and with the North Caucasus republics, in particular.
'' I am proud of the relationship between our countries. South Ossetia has a historic opportunity to strengthen and develop its statehood. More than 70 agreements are signed with Russia, and we are working hard to implement them'' - said Tibilov.
According to him, South Ossetia has always been focused on Russia, and this course will continue.
'' Russia has a major strategic partner - South Ossetia- on its southern borders. And today’s holiday is common for us, because we've passed this way together. We are aiming at a positive, I think, in the near future we will complete the recovery process and will start implementing the development issues'' - said the head of state.
He has noted that the first steps in this direction have already been made - the garment factory and a plant of building materials started manufacturing in Tskhinval.
''In September- October, we plan to hold the Economic Forum in South Ossetia, which will discuss the development of our economy with entrepreneurs from other countries'' - said Tibilov.
The head of the Russian delegation, Deputy Speaker Ilya Umakhanov has assured the South Ossetian side, that Russia is ready for further enhance cooperation.
'' We are together and we can resolve any problems. Three meetings between the presidents of Russia and South Ossetia have taken place for less than a year. These relations correspond to the ones with major allies of Russia'' - said Umakhanov.
In turn, the head of North Ossetia, Taimuraz Mamsurov has said that the main goal of South Ossetia at this stage is the development of the economy.
"In this effort we are ready to help you. Peace is absolutely guaranteed in South Ossetia, which gives it great potential for the development'' - said Mamsurov.
Chairman of the North Ossetian Board of Veterans Soltan Kabolov presented to President Leonid Tibilov the diploma of the laureate of the Forum '' Public recognition for achievements in strengthening of the statehood of South Ossetia and the development of friendly relations with Russia.''
During the meeting there were also words of congratulations from representatives of Ingushetia and Chechnya.
Ambassador of Russia to South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev said that a lot had been done in the Republic for five years.
"I would like to appeal to the Russian colleagues to make an objective assessment of the contribution of Russia to the rehabilitation of South Ossetia. I would like to ask to avoid the extreme sense assessments, which are sometimes heard, that in five years, nothing has been done, or done very little in South Ossetia ", - he said.
Regarding security issues, Kargiev has noted that the priceless achievement is that people feel themselves in safety, which is guaranteed by the presence of the 4th Russian military base and border guards.
Speaking about the achievements in socio-economic sphere, the Ambassador, first of all, mentioned the construction of the "unique" gas pipeline "Dzuarikau-Tskhinval" at an altitude of 4000 meters. "Now gas supply is more than enough in the Republic. Electricity supply is also regular. But we think of the construction of small hydro power plants in 2014, "- said Kargiev.
The ambassador has also noted that the public sector workers receive a stable salary, which this year has been raised by 40%.
"About 80% of the population has Russian citizenship, many receive Russian pensions. In addition, was virtually rehabilitated the entire system of education - schools and kindergartens,"- said the Ambassador.
More than 700 families have the opportunity to move into new homes, was also renovated the public housing.
"It was built a road to the remote Leningor district, restored the power line, which in the absence of gas supply is the only source of heat in winter, is renovated the hospital. The road to Znaur district is also built, "- listed Kargiev.
At the same time, one should talk about the lack of effective drawing of funds.
"I attribute this to a lack of experience in management, the organization of the state power in the early postwar years. For 20 years the Republic has been living in a state of uncertainty. Now it is being built up a mutual system of the mechanisms of the Russian and South Ossetian authorities, the control system within South Ossetia, which complies with the functioning standards of the state. We have set up 13 joint working groups that elaborated more than 70 legislative acts. We will help the Republic out of the crisis in the near future "- said Elbrus Kargiev.
In turn, Leonid Tibilov has noted that by the end of this year, much will be done.
During the meeting, the President also presented the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Ilya Umakhanov and the Chairman of the North Ossetian Parliament Alexei Machnev with the Order of Friendship.

Recognition of the independence is the most important event in the contemporary history of South Ossetia

26/08/2013 - 22:27

Flash-poll: Today South Ossetia is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the recognition of its statehood by the Russian Federation. What role, in your opinion this event played in the modern history of South Ossetia?

Vyacheslav Gobozov, Chairman of the State Committee for Information and Press of the RSO:

The Day of recognition of the independence of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation is definitely a landmark date for us. For me, this day means a lot, considering that I was the one who started the movement for the state-building.

Grand meeting dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the recognition of the independence of South Ossetia has been held in Tskhinval

26/08/2013 - 16:56

Today in the capital of South Ossetia has been held the grand meeting of the public, dedicated to the fifth anniversary of Russia's recognition of the independence of South Ossetia. The meeting was attended by the leadership of the Republic, led by President Leonid Tibilov, official delegations from Russia, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kabardino-Balkaria and other republics.
In the festivities are also taking part President of Transnistria Yevgeny Shevchuk, the head of North Ossetia Taimuraz Mamsurov, former presidents of South Ossetia Ludwig Chibirov and Eduard Kokoity.
Leonid Tibilov congratulated those present on the anniversary date. The Head of State has noted that the five-year recognition of independence of South Ossetia is a good reason to recall the milestones in the history of its statehood.
"We know that in their yearning for freedom our people have overcome a long and thorny way, full of dramatic and bloody struggle for the restoration of the once lost statehood, for the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination", - said the president.
He has noted that the course of history confirmed the right choice of the ancestors of the Ossetians that Russia is a strategic partner of South Ossetia and will remain it forever.
" I`d like to express the general opinion of my fellow citizens, that the Ossetians, including the southern, do not imagine their future apart from Russia. The once proclaimed slogan "Russia and Ossetia - forever together!" has always been urgent," - said Tibilov.
He has also expressed confidence that the international recognition to the Republic of South Ossetia will certainly take place, "the day will come when on the lawn in front of the United Nations will fly the national flag of the Republic of South Ossetia!"
"We fully understand the significance of August 26, 2008 for South Ossetia. It will pass years, decades and centuries. But this date will always be marked as the most important holiday in the calendar of the Ossetian people ", - emphasized Tibilov.
President of the Republic of Transnistria Yevgeny Shevchuk has also congratulated the people of South Ossetia.
"Russia's recognition of South Ossetia is a key factor in strengthening the sovereignty of the Republic, justice and peace. I am sure that being united, along with Russia, people of South Ossetia will overcome all the difficulties, "- he said.
Shevchuk has assured that the people of Transdniestria will always be together with South Ossetia and will develop good neighborly relations with it.
On behalf of the leadership and the people of North Ossetia, South Ossetian people were congratulated by the head of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Taymuraz Mamsurov, who wished the Republic success on the difficult path of strengthening its statehood.
"South Ossetia has been recognized by five states - members of the United Nations and it is five votes in our favor," - he said.
The participants of the grand meeting were also addressed by the heads of delegations arrived in the Republic, were also read out the congratulatory letters of the heads of states.

President of Transnistria paid an official visit to South Ossetia

26/08/2013 - 10:45

The President of the Moldovan Republic of Transnistria Yevgeny Shevchuk has paid an official visit to the Republic of South Ossetia. He is accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Moldovan Republic of Transnistria Nina Shtanski. In Tskhinval the head of the Moldovan Republic of Transnistria has been received by South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov.

South Ossetian President has received the delegation of Nagorno-Karabakh

25/08/2013 - 20:39

Delegations from Russia and from the republics of the North Caucasus are arriving in South Ossetia on the eve of the fifth anniversary of Russia's recognition of independence of the Republic. South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov has received the delegation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, headed by the deputy of the NKR Parliament Armen Sargsyan, arrived in the Republic to participate in the festivities on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of Russia's recognition of independence of South Ossetia.

Leonid Tibilov presented state awards

25/08/2013 - 18:17

Today, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of Russia's recognition of independence of the Republic South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov presented Laura Tedeeva - a native of South Ossetia, currently living in the United States-with Order of Friendship.
In August 2008, despite the obstacles created in the West, Laura Tedeeva and her niece Amanda Kokoeva appeared live on TV channel Fox News, telling the truth about the events, that it was Georgia that had attacked the sleeping town.
"It is symbolic that you are in your homeland these days. In August, five years ago, you and a little girl Amanda broke through the information blockade around South Ossetia. It was a great support for us. Thank you for being with us, thank you for patriotism and your high civic stand, "- said the president.
Laura Tedeeva, in turn, thanked the President for so high appreciation.
"I am always with my people in my heart", - she said, wishing South Ossetia peace and prosperity.
Today the President has also presented the correspondent of the TV channel ''Russia'' Andrei Chistyakov with Order of Friendship for objective coverage of the events in August 2008.
Certificate of Honour of the RSO was presented to the camera operator of the TV channel "Russia'' Eugeny Radaev.

It is not expected any warming in relations between Moscow and Tbilisi – the MGIMO expert

25/08/2013 - 18:03

In the near future it is not expected any warming in relations between Russia and Georgia, said a senior researcher at the Center for Caucasus and regional security of the Moscow State Institute of International relations (MGIMO) Vladimir Mukhanaw at a political science conference in Tskhinval.
"So I would not talk about the price of this warming for South Ossetia," - he said.
According to the expert, both sides have not expressed any signs of rapprochement so far.
"One could observe only some feeble attempts for normalization. There were not taken real steps in this direction, and no one is expecting it, "- said the expert.
He has stressed that the official positions of Russia and Georgia differ so much that any warming is not real in the near future.
"There is not any convergence of positions on the issues related to the renewal of diplomatic relations", - added Mukhanaw.
