A kindergarten came under Georgian side"s fire

Tue, 10/02/2009 - 13:04

The Georgian side had fired at the living area of Tskhinval.
«At 5:10 a.m. two shots of RPG-7 (manufactured in 1978) were made from the village of Nikozi. The launched grenades self-exploded in the location of kindergarten in Djioev Ave. No casualties were reported," says the SO MoD Press-Service.
"The remnants of the unexploded ordnances were found by engineers of the MoD who arrived at the spot right after the incident".
"This part of the city is one of the most populated areas", added the report. "We know that these grenades were located on the territory of Georgia. For the European military monitors" information, the serial range is 613-131-78 Л, ПГ-7С, 254-129-78. The OSCE observers might be able to find the location of the shells when they know these munitions details".

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