Elbrus Kargiev: "We do not agree with the position that this well be a long negotiation"

Fri, 22/05/2009 - 16:09

Russia does not agree with Geneva discussions on security and stability in the Caucasus to turn into a permanent mechanism. This stance has been voiced by the RF Ambassador Extraordinary to South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev at his press-conference in Tskhinval.
"We do not want to be engaged in a long negotiation process, and the Geneva discussions to turn into a permanent mechanism, through which we would be constantly reproached for having recognizing South Ossetia and Abkhazia. These Geneva discussions were envisaged to be held three-four times to elaborate a mechanism ensuring security on both sides of the borderline. So, security is the first problem. The second problem is related to return of refugees. These two problems are interrelated. Creation of safe conditions, and then comes the refugee return. The settlement of the refugee return issues should depend on their voluntary decision, "underscored Kargiev.
According to Ambassador, the negotiations in Geneva are difficult.
"OSCE and other international organizations are trying to control the process on both sides. The Russian side is more loyal. It is necessary to find ways, which would be acceptable for both South Ossetia and Georgia. We are apt to elaborating a mechanism to exclude criminal tensions related to the fact that the borders are not in place. In this regard, we are ready for open cooperation. However, I would reiterate, we cannot agree with the position that the Geneva process is a long-term one. For us, the political aspect of the issue is closed. We have recognized South Ossetia, no matter if anyone likes it or not," added Kargiev.

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