Two years standing guard over the boundary

Tue, 03/05/2011 - 11:54

Almost two years have passed, as the Russian border-guards have been protecting peaceful life of the people of South Ossetia. Two years ago in accordance with the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia "About the joint efforts on guarding the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia", the Border management of the Federal Security Service of Russia has started patrolling the state border of the Republic.

During this time the Border management has been conducting the strenuous work - except guarding over the borders the frontier-guards had to settle down themselves, post subdivisions, become familiar with the region, where they will have to serve, create favorable conditions for fruitful work, establish friendly relations with the dwellers of the Republic, establish interactions with the south-ossetian frontier-guards for qualitative joint patrol of the border. Everything had to be started from scratch. "Our frontier guards have always found the understanding and support for the side of the local population, - says the Deputy Chief of the Border Management on educational questions Eduard Dyukarev. - First days, when we have been settling down ourselves, and also afterwards, the local inhabitants were coming up, offering us bread, milk, and other kind of aid. Most of the frontier-guards like here very much and many of them stay in the RSO even after the completion of the call-up period". As he says, the different problems have sometimes emerged, either as in any other work, but all these difficulties were overcome. In connection with the second anniversary of entering the frontier-guards in the Republic the solemn actions took place in all the frontier-posts. Today the festive concert dedicated to this date has taken place in Znaurskiy region of South Ossetia. A creative group from Kaliningrad, headed by the author and performer Yuri Belousov gave a concert before the border-guards and their families. The festive concert was attended not only by the border-guards, but also by the local inhabitants, as well as the guests from Tskhinval. A vice-speaker Mira Tskhovrebova congratulated the border-guards and emphasized in her speech that the merits of the Border management in establishing peace and tranquility on the land of South Ossetia are great. "Today you are a guarantor of peace in our region. We are very grateful to Russia and her army for living in a peaceful republic", - has noted Tskhovrebova. The guests from Kaliningrad presented the border-guards not only songs and dances, but also hot regard from their homeland, warm congratulations and words of support from their compatriots. "For me today it is a great honour to greet our countryman here, in South Ossetia, and on behalf of the government of Kaliningrad, in particular the governor Nikolay Tcukanov, send them the best regards ", - has informed the IA "Res" Vyacheslav Alinichev, a member of government of the Kaliningrad region. The concert appeared to be warming, interesting. The songs about Homeland, about love have caused nostalgia for home, for dear people. Certainly, two years, is not a long period, but during this time the Border management has done a lot. Successful guarding of the border became possible due to the common efforts of the South-Ossetian and the Russian border-guards. Since the first days of serving in the Republic the employees of the Border management have been proceeding with realization of the tasks and actions on providing the border security of the Republic of South Ossetia. In the result of the undertaken measures the amount of the illegitimate actions on the border has been reduced that promoted the stabilization of the situation in the Republic. In the course of implementing the tasks a special attention is paid to providing security of the population of the RSO. As informed by the press-service of the management, within the framework of the work done on guarding the state border of the Republic the definite outcome has been reached - more than 350 violators are detained on the border, agricultural and other production on total amount more than one and a half million roubles are withdrawn from illegal overturn, 15 units of the firearm (submachine-guns and guns) are also withdrawn, more than 13 thousand ammunition. At the end of 2010 – beginning of 2011 the first border subdivisions have been allocated in the modern complex, equipped with all required facilities for successful service on guarding the border and comfortable life of the border-guards and members of their families. At present, the construction of the Border management units is going on; their delivery in exploitation is planned by the end of 2011. The Republic of South Ossetia – is a young state, and if many countries do not yet acknowledge its borders, the border exists, and it is being protected. The activity of subdivisions of the Border management on guarding the boundary is highly appreciated by the leadership of the Republic of South Ossetia – more than thirty border-guards are awarded with a state reward of the Republic. Certainly, security and peace on the state border, the welfare of each house, each family, settlement depend in a great deal on mutual understanding, mutual aid between the border-guards and the local population of the border area. In this connection one could say that an old border saying "Boundary is guarded by the whole population" has been completely justified in South Ossetia.

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