Presidential candidates of the RSO are for constitutional elections

Thu, 27/10/2011 - 10:07

Possibility of falsification of the voting results at the forthcoming presidential elections of South Ossetia on November, 13th has been discussed by presidential candidates of the RSO at the meeting in Tskhinval. As the candidate for the Presidency Georgy Kabisov has informed the news agency "RES", nine of the seventeen presidential candidates took part in the meeting: Alla Dzhioeva, Alan Pliev, Dzhemal Dzhigkaev, Inal Bazzaev, Igor Alborov, Ajvar Bestaev, Sergey Bitiev and Merab Chigoev, including Kabisov himself.

«The meeting has been held at the headquarters of the candidate for the RSO Presidency Alla Dzhioeva,-he has noted. According to Kabisov, representatives of the presidential candidates Alan Kochiev and Soslan Tedety have also taken part in the meeting. «We have discussed steps on prevention of possible falsifications of the election results. Everyone has expressed various opinions on this question. But anyway, everybody has agreed that the elections should be conducted in strict accordance with the law», - the candidate has underlined. It should be reminded, that the presidential elections of South Ossetia will be held on November, 13th, 2011.

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