Lavrov: Recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia was the only way to ensure the survival of the Ossetians and Abkhazians

Thu, 11/04/2013 - 12:55

Russia recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia (August 26, 2008) to ensure the safety and survival of the peoples of both republics. This was declared by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in his interview to TV channel RTVI, informs the official website of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the Russian Foreign Minister, before the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia in August 2008, Russia has not set the goal to recognize the independence of these states.
"Nobody was even thinking about it. I was a witness to these events, as it was being discussed in Moscow. The goal was simple - to stop the bloodshed, "- said Lavrov.
However, after President Saakashvili refused to keep to the terms of the Medvedev-Sarkozy agreement, which required to observe a ceasefire by the parties and, the most importantly, to begin international discussions on determining the status of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Russia had no other way to ensure the safety of the population, but to recognize their independence.
"Saakashvili said, ''No any discussions.'' His subsequentrevanchist statements led us to the conclusion that there was not another way than the recognition of independence for security and survival of the peoples, "- said the Minister.
Lavrov has stressed that the decision to recognize the independence of South Ossetia is not subject torevision, in part, because in Georgia there is not, and in the foreseeable future is not expected to appear any politician who will be able to say, "That`s all, we've forgotten everything, we were wrong" .
"At the same time there will not be any Russian politician who can say'' let'sresume its normal course.'' It`s impossible. When the Americans offer us in the context of restrictions or control of conventional armaments in Europe, to record the need to respect the boundaries that existed before August 2008, we respond that they cannot agree, but this decision was made by the Russian President and the Russian government, "- said Lavrov.

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