South Ossetian Cossack community has revived

Fri, 10/05/2013 - 21:55

In August 2008, owing to the assistance of the Russian Federation and its army was won a historic victory over the Georgian neo-fascism. The aggressor had intended to carry out a few hours operation "Open Field," that is to destroy completely the local population, enslave it, and then establish its rule on the entire territory of South Ossetia. However, the bloody enemy intentions went awry. Soon after the massacre, Russia recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

The patriots of Ossetia are not indifferent to the fate of our country, so they are making every effort to educate the young generation in the spirit of patriotism, love, selfless service to the fatherland and people. The new formed action group decided to establish a South Ossetian Republican Cossack community.
In all the large settlements of South Ossetia were held meetings where the atamans were elected, as well as the leadership of the Cossack communities. It was decided to establish the Republican Cossack community. In April 2010 was held the uniting meeting of the South Ossetian Cossack community, attended by 172 people from all districts of the Republic. At the meeting was adopted the Constitution and elected the leadership. All the necessary documents were prepared for submission to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of South Ossetia to register the Cossack community. It was allotted time to consider the registration but the Justice Minister Doguzov was not going to address this issue. He explained his refusal by giving some biased arguments, and the documents were given back. Later, after the election, he confessed that had been instructed orally by the then leadership of the RSO not to register the Cossack community, as if in the case of aggravation of the situation in the Republic, the Cossacks would certainly stand up for the interests of the people and began their actions. By that time the headquarters of the Cossack community received about 800 applications from the people wishing to join the South Ossetian Republican Cossack community. And during the recent elections the Cossack community numbered 3.5 million people.
During the RSO presidential campaign the Ossetian Cossacks supported the candidacy of Leonid Tibilov.
After the elections, the South-Ossetian Cossack community again applied to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of South Ossetia for registration. This time everything went without delay - June 29, 2012 the Cossack community was registered, and then it was recognize by the Cossacks communities of Russia, the near and far abroad.
In September 2012, a delegation of the South Ossetian Cossack community was invited to participate in the World Congress of the Cossacks, which took place in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov Oblast - the capital of the World Cossacks.
At the congress made a speech an ataman of the South Ossetian Cossack community Alan Pukhaev and his assistant on economic issues, the Cossack Colonel Paul Gagloev. The congress was also attended by Presidential Aide on Cossacks issues Beglov. South Ossetian delegation in the course of the conversation with him touched upon the receipt of the Registry of the Cossacks of Russia. But to get the Russian Cossacks Register, first in the country should be adopted the law on the civil service of the Cossacks.
The leadership of the Cossack community expresses gratitude to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev and to the embassy spokesperson Vinogradov for their attention and assistance in the preparation of the delegation. They provided the travel documents to the venue and back.
After returning from the Congress the leadership of the Cossack community appealed to the Government and Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia to develop a civil service law of the Cossacks in the Republic of South Ossetia, as without this law Cossacks can neither revive nor develop. In all regions of the Russian Federation, even in the Muslim republics, are in force civil service laws on the Cossacks.
February 14, 2013, was held the enlarged council of atamans under the slogan "Faith, Fatherland, Service."
In the Southern Russia, in Transcaucasia the Cossacks have been reviving. Their purpose is to protect the southern borders of the Russian Federation and the territory of South Ossetia.
A Cossack without God is not a Cossack. God is with us!

Council of atamans of the South Ossetian Cossack community

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