Leonid Tibilov and Oleg Govorun discussed the pace of construction works in South Ossetia

Tue, 21/10/2014 - 16:13

The head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian President for socio-economic cooperation with the CIS countries, South Ossetia and Abkhazia Oleg Govorun has arrived in South Ossetia on a two-day working visit.

In Tskhinval he met with President Leonid Tibilov. They discussed the pace of construction and restoration of the objects that are included in the investment program to promote socio-economic development of the Republic of South Ossetia in 2014.
Leonid Tibilov noted that "this year was not easy, hard work was carried out on the implementation of the investment program for 2014, and thanks to this we can already see the results."
"However, much more needs to be done - the president said. - As long as the weather permits, it is necessary to complete exterior works of the projects in order to start interior furnishing."
In turn, Oleg Govorun has noted that on the way to Tskhinval and in the town itself he could see a number of construction sites and was pleased with the volume and timing of the work done.
"I am particularly pleased with the results of one of the most complex objects - that's four apartment buildings in the neighborhood" Northern ", where the contractor for more than two months was able to do a great deal of work to put the facility into commission in time. It should also be noted that the quality of the work is appropriate, "- he stressed.
It was noted that the 36-apartment buildings in the neighborhood "North" - is the first facility built from scratch and put into commission in such a short period of time.
During the meeting were also discussed other issues of socio-economic development of the Republic.

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