Georgia to Russia: you will open markets for us, and we will promise you anti-Russian hysteria

Wed, 03/04/2019 - 15:23

For propaganda purposes, official Tbilisi continues to disseminate false statements of its intent to establish and develop comprehensive relations with Russia. However, in fact, we see a completely opposite attitude. Provocative actions of the NGOs controlled by the Georgian authorities, which contribute to further destabilization of the areas bordering South Ossetia, do not stop.

One of the most active NGOs, which is the mouthpiece of the Georgian government in unbridled anti-Russian and anti-Ossetian hysteria, is the so-called "Anti-occupation movement" Strength in unity. "

The organization was registered at the Ministry of Justice of Georgia on August 2, 2017. Its leader is David Katsarava - film actor, producer and broadcaster. In the past, he took part in hostilities on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia as part of the armed forces of former President Gamsakhurdia.

One could laugh at such an unusual acrobatic trick between serving the arts and banal looting if it were not so sad. However, nobody knows Katsarava as an actor. He is best known for his role as a provocateur. The main working methods of the NGO of this actor are to carry out protest actions and other clownery in close proximity to the South Ossetian-Georgian border, which we witnessed just last month.

Together with him, "social work" is done by odious individuals who have combat experience and military training. Among them is Beka Tsitskishvili, who served as a conscript in the artillery brigade of the Georgian armed forces, an armament specialist, and Malkhaz Alania, who graduated from the Georgian Military Academy and participated in the attack on Tskhinval in August 2008. Also an interesting character - Lasha Berulava, a journalist who has experience working as a reporter in interethnic conflicts, in August 2008 was a freelancer for the Reuters news agency, was the author of the film "The Occupied Childhood".

These are just some of the tricks of this amateur clown team, which, incidentally, are already known to everyone.

In April 2018, in connection with the detention of Georgian citizens on the territory of South Ossetia, they blocked the cars of Russian tourists with Russian numbers, which were pasted with the leaflets "Russia is an occupier!" Similar leaflets were also distributed in Tbilisi and Georgian settlements bordering South Ossetia. Russian tourists were also demanded to remove any signs and objects with Russian and Soviet symbols. The personal property of tourists with such symbols was destroyed and spoiled.

On Victory Day, May 9, a protest rally was held in Tbilisi, during which activists of the so-called "Anti-Occupation Movement" used anti-Russian campaign banners "Russia - the plague of the XXI century" and "St. George ribbon - Putin's swastika".

In July of the same year, members of the NGOs held a rally under the slogans “There is no occupation of Russia in Syria” and “Russia is an occupier, Russia is killing” in front of the Georgian government, in which participants accused the Russian leadership of the “genocide” of the Syrian people.

In addition, protests took place in Tbilisi, during which accusations were made against the leadership of the ruling political party "Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia", following, according to the NGO representatives, pro-Russian policy, that do not meet national interests. David Katsarava demanded amendments to the country's legislative acts relating to the prohibition of financing the activities of national media, as well as public and non-governmental organizations by the Russian side.

Clowning is clowning, but this NGO also implements the “Civil Patrol” program, the purpose of which is to collect information about the power structures of the RSO and the Russian Federation in South Ossetia. The NGO activists conduct patrols during which they are filming the service activities of employees of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and RSO, as well as engineering border equipment measures with their subsequent placement in the media and Internet resources with anti-Ossetian and anti-Russian comments. In addition, the NGO has increased the fleet of the so-called "Anti-occupancy Taxi" to 10 cars, in which passengers traveling through Tbilisi on a video monitor installed in the car are offered to view videos with "unavailable facts" of the Russian occupation of Georgia. In this case, the fare is not charged, but it is proposed to make a voluntary contribution to the bank account of the organization.

And this is already espionage, carried out in the presence of the staff of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs and representatives of the European Union observer mission in Georgia.

These are the innovative methods and forms of anti-Russian policy against the background of unsubstantiated promises and assurances in an effort to normalize bilateral relations Russia, in response to vague promises, went forward and opened its domestic market for low-quality Georgian wine products, with the result that at the expense of Russian buyers Georgia is enriched by billions of dollars a year. And at this very time, it does not spare the forces and means for anti-Russian propaganda.


Alan Dzhioev, for the IA "Res"

Алан Джиоев, для ИА "Рес"
Мой мир