Extract from the minutes of the VI Congress of Delegates of South Ossetia

Sun, 23/02/2020 - 13:20

1. On the election of the credentials committee.

To elect three persons to the credentials committee: Dadte and Ladi Sanakoev and Shakro Vaneev.

2. On the election of the commission for the preparation of the order.

The commission was elected a. it has included Pora Dzhioev, Ivan Pliev, Bidzina Kochiev and Pavel Sanakoev.

The Congress unanimously adopted a decree; the credentials committee announces that 31 delegates have come with a right to vote. The question was raised of providing five seats, with a casting vote to representatives of the old national council. The majority voted for this positively, after which they proceeded to the election of the presidium of the Congress. The Congress was recognized as authorized, as it was convened a second time.

3. On the election of the presidium of the Congress.

The elected persons: a Chairman Nikolay Dzhioev, comrade s of the Chairman Petre Tedeev and Aron Pliev. Secretaries Ladi Sanakoev and Sergey Gagloev.

4. About the order of the day.

After discussion of the points, adopt the following order of the day:

1. The current situation ...

3. Report on the activities of the national council.

4. Election of members of the national council.

5. Reports from the field.

6. On the fight against looting and anarchy.

7. About taxation.

8. On the renaming of the national council as “popular”.

9. About deputies to the Georgian parliament.

10. Current affairs.

1. About the current situation - a report by Peter Tedeev.

Having listened to the reports on the current situation, the 6th Congress of Delegates of South Ossetia expresses confidence that the national council with international democracy will protect the interests of the Ossetian working people and proceeds to the next tasks ...

3. On the activities of the National Council.

Having listened to the report on the activities of the National Council, the Congress is quite pleased with the activities of the old national council and proceeds to next affairs.

4. Election of members of the National Council.

To elect 30 members. The following persons were elected: 1. Tedeev Petre, 2. Sanakioy Ladi, 3. Dzhadzhiev Yason, 4. Pliev Aron, 5. Sanakoev Mate, 6. Plieva Olga, 7. Dzhioev Khristofor, 8. Tibilov Alexander, 9. Dzhioev Valiko, 10. Pliev Ivan, 11. Dzhioev Nikolay, 12. Khugaev Domenty, 13. Magkoev Andrey, 14. Sanakoev Gio, 15. Gagloev Grigory, 16. Kozaev Razhden, 17. Kabulov Alexander, 18. Sanakoev Dadte, 19. Dzhioev Vasiko, 20. Sobiev Inal, 21. Pliev Grigory, 22. Dzhioev Gega, 23. Dzhioev Sandr, 24. Chabiev Mihaka, 25. Kulumbegov Georgy, 26. Begizov Aleksey, 27. Gagloev Sergey, 28. Abaev Tsitska, 29. Dzhatiev Alexander, 30. Karsanov Pisr.

5. Reports from the field.

After listening to the reports from the field, the Congress of delegates of South Ossetia instructed the National Council to analyze in detail and resolve all the issues raised.

6. On the fight against looting and anarchy.

After listening to the reports from the field, the Congress of delegates of South Ossetia has decreed: taking into account that from now on, until the organization of local authorities through the South Ossetian administrative district, it is extremely difficult to combat robberies and anarchy, instruct the national council to take all possible measures to suppress robbery and anarchy without interference of the forces alien to labor democracy, that is, take all measures to isolate the district and immediately order all commissars to begin the fight against anarchy.

7. About taxation.

Having listened to the report on the self-taxation of the population of South Ossetia, the 6th Congress assessed it positively, to charge the National Council with the development of a detailed cost estimate, system and time of collection.

8. About renaming of the National Council into a popular one

Take off.

9. About deputies to the Georgian parliament.

To delete an item from the agenda

10. On the procedure for the election of village commissars.

To grant the National Council the right to approve one of the six candidates elected by each community

11. About the zemstvo. Dzassokhov's report.

After listening to the report of Dzassokhov, the Congress decreed: before the separation of the South Ossetian okrug, leave the question open.

12. Concerning the commissar of the Rock community.

To ask the Commissioner of the Rock community to remain in his post.

Chairman of the Congress Nikolai Dzhioev.

Secretary Sanakoev V.

Archive of the South-Ossetian Research Institute, d. 96, l. l 20, 23. The Copy, typewritten.

December 1918 6.

From the book "The struggle of the working people of South Ossetia for Soviet power" (1917-1921). Documents and materials. Compiled by I.N. Tskhovrebov.