The historic step: the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Ossetia and Russia is being discussed in Tskhinval

Fri, 08/09/2023 - 18:59

A round table dedicated to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation is being held at the South Ossetian State University.

On Saturday, September 9, South Ossetia will celebrate the day of establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia. On this day 15 years ago, the foreign ministers of the two countries exchanged notes.

The organizer of the round table is Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic. The event is attended by the heads of the foreign affairs department of South Ossetia at different periods, ambassadors of foreign states in the Republic, representatives of the scientific and political community of the Republic of South Ossetia, diplomats and experts in the field of international relations, etc.

Rector of the State University, Vadim Tedeev, has noted that the recognition of independence and the subsequent establishment of diplomatic relations is a national holiday of the two countries.

“The Russian Federation’s comprehensive assistance to South Ossetia shows the whole world that the Republic will continue to confidently move forward,” he said.

Tedeev has added that the time has come for Georgia to repent for all the evil caused to South Ossetia.

“When one leader is replaced by another and the attitude towards national minorities does not change, this indicates that the republic needs to work with the majority of the civilian population of Georgia. We must convey to every Georgian that only through repentance we will come to peace and harmony,” he said rector

Foreign Minister Akhsar Dzhioev has noted in his report that Russian-Ossetian diplomatic relations cover a considerable period of time.

“More recently, we celebrated the most important date for the Ossetian people - the recognition of the independence of South Ossetia by Russia. This greatest event was preceded by the almost 20-year difficult period of the Republic’s struggle for independence. It is clear that this event and September 9, 2008 are in the same historical chain.”, - said Dzhioev.

The Foreign Minister has emphasized that relations between South Ossetia and Russia have been developing very dynamically.

“The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides us with great practical assistance. I would like to express my gratitude to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the entire Ministry in general, as well as the Russian Embassy in South Ossetia,” the minister concluded.

Then the participants of the event presented their reports on the topic of the round table.

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