Assessment of the path traveled by South Ossetia convinces of the correctness of the choice made - MFA

Wed, 20/09/2023 - 21:11

Assessment of the path of formation of the statehood of South Ossetia, which required incredible effort and willpower, dedication and great losses, convinces us of the correctness of the choice made, which allowed the South Ossetian people not only to defend their right to exist in a difficult struggle, but to live with their heads raised, a free people in a free country, feeling themselves to be the rightful master of their destiny and land. This is stated in the press release of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia on the 33rd anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic.

On Wednesday, the South Ossetian people are celebrating a significant date - the 33rd anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic. On September 20, 1990, people's deputies of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region proclaimed the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic within the USSR.

The Foreign Ministry has reminded that the proclamation of the Republic was fully consistent with all international legal norms and the legislation of the USSR in force at that time.

“The Declaration of National Sovereignty was adopted, which was based on the desire of the people to realize their inalienable rights - the restoration of historical justice through self-determination, the adoption of measures to protect the nation, dictated, among other things, by the threat of physical destruction,” the document says.

The Foreign Ministry noted that this event of enormous responsibility took place at the end of the Soviet state, against the backdrop of increasing centrifugal forces and separatist tendencies, which became especially active in the Georgian SSR and the Baltic republics.

“The Republic was proclaimed in the most difficult situation of growing political and military pressure on South Ossetia from the radicals of Soviet Georgia, which since the late 80s was overwhelmed by a wave of rabid chauvinism, where the ideology of national fascism began to manifest itself more and more clearly. There were years of struggle ahead, the barbaric armed aggression of Georgia and the tragedy of genocide, the years of blockade and non-recognition, the years of severe hardships that seemed insurmountable,” the Ministry has emphasized.

The has also noted that people of South Ossetia are deeply grateful to the Russian Federation for its invaluable assistance in repelling the Georgian aggression in August 2008 and eliminating the socio-economic consequences of the war, building friendly, partnership relations with the Republic after recognizing its independence on August 26, 2008, as well as to all friendly states that followed the example of Russia.

“On this significant day, we pay tribute to the memory and respect of all who were fighting for the dignity, freedom and independence of South Ossetia, and bow our heads to those who sacrificed themselves in this sacred struggle. Their courage and heroism will always serve as an example of selfless service to the Motherland and dedication to the national cause,” the Foreign Ministry has concluded.

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