The Nativity of the Virgin Mary is the main religious and state holiday of South Ossetia

Thu, 21/09/2023 - 16:07

Since the time of our great-grandfathers, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was considered a national holiday; people of South Ossetia celebrated this holiday in the churches of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the villages of Khetagurovo, Tigva, Monaster, etc., notes the dean of the churches of the Alan Diocese of South Ossetia, Father Yakov.

On September 21, the entire Orthodox world celebrates one of the main Christian holidays - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

“The holiday was established by the Church in the 5th century and is the first Twelve Great Feasts of the church year, for according to the old style the church year began on September 1. This holiday has special meaning for Ossetians,” the priest said.

According to him, the holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is very revered by people of South Ossetia. “The largest churches in the Republic are dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary or the Virgin Mary herself.

I think this is no coincidence. By the will of God, it so happened that our national holiday, the Day of the Formation of the Republic, and the largest religious holiday are celebrated almost on the same day. And therefore we can say that these days are sacred for us, very spiritual and symbolic. This suggests that people are consolidating and uniting both in God and in society, and this is very important,” the priest said.

Father Yakov has noted that on September 21, festive services will be held in almost all churches in South Ossetia.

The priest has reminded that according to church canons, the year begins in September, and the first holiday is the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

“I would like to wish this year to be better than the previous one. We hope that our society will consolidate, people will begin to understand and respect each other, our Republic will grow, first of all, spiritually, develop economically, politically, culturally,” Father Yakov addressed his words of congratulation.

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