The head of the KGB assured that the internal and external situation in South Ossetia was under full operational control

Wed, 05/06/2024 - 12:43

The internal and external situation in South Ossetia is under full operational control, threats to the security of the Republic are not recorded, and the election processes are taking place in a calm, benevolent environment. The head of the State Security Committee, Oleg Shiran, announced this at the meeting with the President and the heads of security agencies.

“There has been no enemy activity from the Georgian armed forces or police posts, but recently we have noted an increase in the activity of reconnaissance drones,” he said.

Sheeran has added that a plan for organizing the election security has also been prepared, and the actions of law enforcement agencies will be coordinated within the framework of the interdepartmental meeting.

The head of the KGB Border Service, Valerian Alikhanty, for his part, noted that the operational situation on the South Ossetian-Georgian section of the border was characterized as complex, but predictable.

“The Border patrols daily recorded the activities of representatives of the Georgian police and the EU Observer Mission, who carry out photo and video recording of the territory of South Ossetia in order to reveal the places of duty and movement of the border patrols. At the same time, there is no strengthening of police posts,” Alikhanty reported.

He added that monitoring the socio-political situation in Georgia indicates the ongoing attempts by the United States to instigate political instability in the country through the controlled opposition representatives protesting against the law on foreign agents. At the same time, the prerequisites for destabilizing the situation and transferring the activity of protesters to the South Ossetian-Georgian border have not been identified.

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