The South Ossetian authorities handed over the state border violator to Georgia after paying a fine

Tue, 16/07/2024 - 22:21

The South Ossetian authorities expelled the Georgian citizen from the Republic who had violated the state border, the KGB of the Republic of South Ossetia reported on Tuesday.

According to the KGB, a 59-year-old resident of the village of Adzvi, Gori municipality, Khomasuridze Temur, was detained by the South Ossetian border authorities on July 13 for illegally crossing the state border.

“It has been established that Khomasuridze deliberately crossed the state border of the Republic with Georgia in the vicinity of the settlement of Adzysar, Tskhinval district.

On July 15, the Tskhinval City Court found him guilty of committing an administrative offense and was punished with a fine and administrative expulsion,” the Committee has noted.

On Tuesday, the violator was handed over to the Georgian authorities in accordance with the established procedure, the KGB has added.

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