South Ossetia and Abkhazia always lend a brotherly shoulder to each other - Alan Gagloev

Fri, 20/09/2024 - 15:00

President Alan Gagloev has met with the delegation of the Republic of Abkhazia headed by Minister of Justice Anri Bartsits, who arrived in Tskhinval to participate in the festive events in honor of the Day of the Republic of South Ossetia.

According to the press service of the Head of State, Alan Gagloev has warmly welcomed the guests from Abkhazia, having emphasized that today the young South Ossetian state is celebrating a significant and truly historical holiday – the Republic Day.

"We are glad that the delegation from fraternal Abkhazia came to congratulate the people of South Ossetia on this significant day. On September 15-16, the II International Medical Conference was held in the capital of the Republic, in which Minister of Health of Abkhazia Eduard Butba took part. And earlier our delegation took part in the festive events in Abkhazia. This shows that we are strengthening and developing the relations that have developed between the fraternal peoples,” the President was quoted by his press service.

Gagloev has noted that South Ossetia and Abkhazia remember what the two peoples had to go through – the tragic events took place at almost the same time, which left a “bloody” mark on the pages of the history of the two republics.

“These terrible events will forever remain in our memory. Despite everything, we will be moving forward together,” the President said.

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