Archive - 19/10/2010

Tue, 19/10/2010 - 15:13

National Policy Committee of the Parliament of South Ossetia Disucsses A Number of Draft Laws

The Committee on National Policy, Culture, Education, Sience, Religion and the Media of the Parliament of South Ossetia plans to bring up for discussion by MPs the the draft laws on the state language and Ossetian family names, Mira Tskhovrebova, the Committee Chairman, Vice-Speaker of the Parliament, told IA "Res".
"We have already suggested the draft laws on language and family names for a public debate and have held parliamentary hearings. Now the projects will be considered by members of the presidium of the Parliament, and later in the session. Each participant to the discussion may make comments, and if we believe these comments reasonable and necessary, then the laws will be amended ", said Tskhovrebova.