Archive - 30/9/2015


Wed, 30/09/2015 - 21:42

Abkhazia is celebrating Independence Day

Today Abkhazia is celebrating its main holiday - Independence Day, the 22nd anniversary of the Victory in the 1992-1993 Patriotic War.
There is no a family in the Republic, where the holiday is celebrated without a heavy heart. This day in a history of Abkhazia is the anniversary of the liberation of the capital of Abkhazia from Georgian troops. During the September 1993 attack, the battles for the Republic's capital Sukhum, which lasted 11 days, determined the overall outcome of the Patriotic war of Abkhazia.
September 30, 1993 the whole country was liberated from Georgian troops. Every year on this day, the veterans of the Georgian-Abkhazian recall those events, visiting the graves commemorating their fallen comrades.
By tradition, on September 30 in the capital of the Republic is held a parade, festivities on the seafront of the city of Sukhum, and throughout the country - celebrations.
As part of activities dedicated to this important date at 11:00 took place a solemn ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the memorial to fallen soldiers in the Park of Glory and then took place a military parade of the Defense Ministry troops and the 7th Russian military base deployed in Gudauta.
At 13:00 were laid flowers at the memorial complex of the first president of the Republic of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba in the village of Eschera, Sukhum district.
At 15:00 took place a ceremony of laying flowers at the tomb of the second president of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh in the village of Dzhgyarda, Ochamchira district.
In the evening, at 17:00 in the Abkhazian State Philharmonic Society will take place a solemn meeting and a concert dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of the Victory in the 1992 - 1993 Great Patriotic War of the Abkhaz people. After the official part it will take place a concert and the performance of the State Dancing Group of South Ossetia "Simd."
Events on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the victory will continue theatrical performance with elements of reconstruction of the events of the Patriotic War of the 1992-1993 Abkhaz people, which will begin at 18:30 on Freedom Square in Sukhum.
The 1992-1993 Patriotic War of the Abkhaz people, which lasted 413 days, ended with a victory over the Georgian aggressor. On the Abkhaz side participated in the war to 12 thousand people.
According to the book of the candidate of history, military historian Valiko Pachulia " The 1992 – 1993 Georgian-Abkhazian war" were killed 1,392 fighters from Abkhazia, 106 - from Russia (without the republics of the North Caucasus), 133 - volunteers from the North Caucasus, 18 - from the CIS, Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh, 6 - from Turkey, 3 - from Syria, 1 - from Poland. 150 people are still listed the missing.
Hundreds of civilians - women, the elderly and children have become the victims of the bloody war. Only in a helicopter, downed by the Georgian guards over the village of Lata (Kodori gorge), December 14, 1992, 85 people were burned alive.
For courage and bravery shown in the battle, more than 6000 war veterans were presented high state awards, 360 soldiers awarded the title of Hero of Abkhazia, among them volunteers from South Ossetia.

Wed, 30/09/2015 - 15:24

Raul Khajimba met with the disabled veterans of Liberation War in South Ossetia

September 29, President of the Republic of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba received disabled veterans of liberation war in South Ossetia, headed by the President of the "Fund to protect the wounded, disabled during the hostilities on the territory of South Ossetia in 1989-2008" Madina Plieva.
The South Ossetian delegation arrived in Sukhum to celebrate Independence Day and the 22nd anniversary of the victory of the Abkhaz people in the 1992-1993 war on the invitation of the "Fund of disabled veterans of the 1992-1993 Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation".
The meeting was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Abkhazia Vitaly Gabniya,
According to Madina Plieva, during the meeting were discussed problems of the amputees.
"Raul Khajimba offered to consider the issues of persons with disabilities at the prosthetics center in Gagra. The President has also instructed to study the issue of rehabilitation of the disabled citizens of South Ossetia in the Abkhaz sanitaria and health resorts ", - she said.
During the visit it is also planned to sign a cooperation agreement between the President of the "Fund to protect the wounded, disabled during the hostilities on the territory of South Ossetia in 1989-2008" and the "Fund of disabled veterans of the 1992-1993 Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation."
In an interview with the news agency "Res" the Chairman of the Association of Disabled Veterans of the 1992-1993 Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation in Sukhum and Sukhum district Timur Zantariya has noted that the Abkhazian war and the heroes who gave their lives in the struggle for independence will remain in the memory of the Abkhaz people for ever.
"Every stone, every blade of grass remembers the pain and suffering of the fallen soldiers. We lost many guys - I'm very happy to have met with the South-Ossetian guys, with Madina Plieva. We have a common fate. We had one common enemy, and we were able to overpower it. "
He has added that the Fund of the Abkhaz war invalids has the projects that can be implemented in cooperation with the South Ossetian Fund of the wounded.
On the same day, representatives of the two organizations laid flowers and wreaths on the graves of the Abkhaz presidents Vladislav Ardzimba and Sergey Bagapsh.
Today, the South Ossetian delegation will take part in the festivities and celebrations on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the victory of the Abkhaz people in the 1992-1993 war.

Wed, 30/09/2015 - 12:22

Leonid Tibilov: Vladimir Putin`s speech is the central event of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly

The speech by Vladimir Putin, of course, is the central event of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, said the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, commenting on the speech of the President of the Russian Federation.
Leonid Tibilov has noted that the speech of the responsible leader of one of the world's leading states contains very substantive, comprehensive and candid assessment and analysis of the main challenges and threats faced by the international community.
"It was openly told about the reasons, including the short-sighted actions of the West and, above all, the forces that claim to be the world leader," - stated the President of South Ossetia.
Tibilov believes that the "actions of a number of countries pose a global threat, which for the sake of their ambitions try to overthrow the unwanted governments that refuse to play the role of someone's puppets."
"Trying to exploit the power of religious extremists, these countries have unleashed the terrible genie, with which they can`t cope alone anymore, - said the head of South Ossetia. - For someone's irresponsible actions mankind is paying a terrible price- blood of innocent people is shedding, cultural heritage is being destroyed."
All who live in the regions, neighboring to the Middle East, Ukraine, keenly feel the growing sense of threat and anxiety, continued Leonid Tibilov. – Every day we can see on TV the shots with destroyed buildings, military equipment, fire, streams of refugees- a wave of human suffering and despair. All this happens quite near, the distance from the Caucasus to Syria or Ukraine is very short. Today someone consider it the elements of a global manipulation, but if it is not stopped, there will not be any safe place on the planet. "
Security in all its aspects has become a global challenge, and Russia calls for uniting.
According to the President of South Ossetia, in defiance of Western standards Russia is pursuing its policy without double standards, offering all states to follow the same general rules for the future of all nations.
"Russia`s commitment to honesty and moral principles are worthy of the great country, causing the increasing recognition and respect in the world, - stated Tibilov.
From the UN rostrum Russia`s appeal to join forces against the impending danger was heard all over the world."