Archive - 23/5/2024

Thu, 23/05/2024 - 22:48

Public chambers of South Ossetia and Crimea signed a cooperation agreement

The public chambers of South Ossetia and Crimea signed a cooperation agreement in Tskhinval.

The document was signed as part of the working visit of the Crimea Public Chamber delegation to Tskhinval.

The agreement defining the directions of work of the two chambers for the future was signed by Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Republic of South Ossetia Sergei Kudziev and Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Crimea, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian FederationVladimir Ryazanov.

Thu, 23/05/2024 - 22:46

Three gold medals and new agreements: Goginov on the results of the International Forum in Sochi

“The High Mountain Kel Brewery” from South Ossetia received three gold medals at once for its beer lines presented at the International Forum “Beer” in Sochi. This was reported to IA “Res” by the trade representative of the Republic in the Russian Federation, Taimuraz Goginov. .

The Kel Brewery first joined the forum last year and even then conquered the jury of the International Forum and won a gold medal. .