

Fri, 17/06/2016 - 13:59

Leonid Tibilov and Rashid Nurgaliev visited the place of death of the Russian servicemen

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov and Deputy Secretary of Russian Security Council Rashid Nurgaliyev paid tribute to the Russian servicemen who died in a road accident on the highway Tskhinval-Leningor.
Rashid Nurgaliev arrived in South Ossetia on a working visit.
Leonid Tibilov and Rashid Nurgaliev laid flowers at the memorial stone, temporarily installed on the accident site.
President Leonid Tibilov told Nuragaliev about the rescue operation on the accident site, the assistance provided to the wounded in the main hospital of Tskhinval.
"I instructed to perpetuate the memory of the fallen officers of the Russian army - a memorial monument will be erected on the accident site. Russian troops have been ensuring security for South Ossetia, maintaining peace, and we greatly honor the memory of all the fallen guys ", - he said.
In turn, Rashid Nurgaliyev expressed gratitude to all those who helped the Russian army officers on that tragic day.
"They died doing their duty, and they are heroes for us", - he said.
May 19, 2016, as a result of an accident on the highway Tskhinval-Leningor died and were injured officers of the Russian army.


Sat, 11/06/2016 - 23:28

State reception on the occasion of the Day of Russia took place in Tskhinval

In Tskhinval took place a state reception organized by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in South Ossetia to celebrate the Day of Russia on June 12.

The event was attended by the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, the Chairman of the Government of the Republic Domenty Kulumbegov, the Speaker of the South Ossetian Parliament Anatoly Bibilov, representatives of the scientific and creative intelligentsia of the Republic, members of the Parliament, government and other officials.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev welcomed the participants and congratulated them on the upcoming holiday - the Day of Russia.

"Today Russia is in a stage of transition, adapting to the challenges that arose in the economy, global finances, in the political sphere. – Nevertheless, quietly, with dignity we are passing this period, and it is clear that in the near future Russia will reach the path of sustainable development,"- the Ambassador said.

According to Kargiev, the Day of Russia in South Ossetia is always celebrated with great respect.

"We are very pleased to say that in a brotherly, friendly country - in South Ossetia on June 12 is a national holiday, which all the people of South Ossetia celebrate with great respect, love and gratitude to Russia, and for that many thanks to the leadership of South Ossetia and people of the Republic ".

Leonid Tibilov, in turn, congratulated those present on the upcoming holiday - the Day of Russia.

"Today we have gathered to congratulate each other on this great holiday to be celebrated on June 12 in Russia, and people South Ossetia will also celebrate this day, because we are part of the Russian world, and our people and the leadership of the Republic will work to strengthen the Russian world on the territory of South Ossetia."

According to Tibilov, the Day of Russia is a national holiday.

"This is a national holiday for all the peoples who live in the vast territory of Russia, and are united by common historical destiny and aspiration for the future - said the president. - Today I can say with confidence that this opportunity, the resources and potential are the main force of the great Russia, and, of course, the basis for the development of the state. "

The President has noted that "the friendship between the South Ossetian and Russian people saved the people of South Ossetia from the brown plague in 2008".

"And now we live in a free, recognized country, and together with Russia we are strengthening these relations, which are very dear to us," - concluded Tibilov.


Tue, 07/06/2016 - 13:46

The group of specialists of EMERCOM of Russia will be engaged in demining the territory of South Ossetia

A group of experts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, which will be engaged in demining the territory of South Ossetia has arrived today in South Ossetia.

This was announced by the Minister of emergency situations of South Ossetia Sergey Sanakoev.

According to Sergey Sanakoev, this issue for the leadership of the Republic always was among the priorities.
"In our territory there are still unexploded shells since the first war in 1992, as well as the traces of the terrible August war in South Ossetia. The issue of demining of our territory was repeatedly discussed at the highest levels. The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov discussed this issue at the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin," – said Sanakoev.

According to him, on the basis of these agreements, with the full support of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the joint work of EMERCOM of South Ossetia and the Russian Ministry of Emergencies, today in South Ossetia has arrived a group of experts of EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, which will address this important issue. We will be working together.
"Even today, the group has started to work. The experts went to the villages of Pris and Ered in Tskhinval district of the Republic. The experts plan to work within 80 days; this is only the first stage, as there will be a great deal of work. The sappers of EMERCOM of our Republic will be destructing the unexploded shells," concluded Sanakoev.


Fri, 27/05/2016 - 11:54

Leonid Tibilov and Anatoly Bibilov signed a statement to postpone the referendum

Following the results of the meeting of the Political Council under the President of the RSO, President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov and Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov signed a statement to hold a referendum on accessing South Ossetia to the Russian Federation in 2017.
"Guided by the long-term interests of the South Ossetian people, and trying to ensure the stability of the socio-political situation in the Republic of South Ossetia, May 26, 2016 we made the joint statement to support the decision of the Political Council under the President of the Republic of South Ossetia on the feasibility of holding a referendum on accessing the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation in 2017, after the election of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia ", - is stated in the statement.

Fri, 27/05/2016 - 11:51

Political Council under the President of South Ossetia voted for holding a referendum on accession to Russia after the presidential election in 2017

Members of the Political Council under the South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov made a decision to hold a referendum on accessing South Ossetia to the Russian Federation after the presidential election in 2017.
The issue of the date of the referendum was discussed at a meeting of the Political Council, chaired by the President of the Republic Leonid Tibilov.
At the beginning of the meeting the President has noted that this issue is an important milestone in the life of the South Ossetian people.
"This issue is of vital importance for all of us, for the future of our country, - said Tibilov. - As the president with a mandate of trust of the people, at the head of all our policies I put the will and aspiration of the people. I have repeatedly said that reunification with Russia is a centuries-old dream of our people, and all my steps since taking the post of the President of the Republic are aimed at achieving this dream - "Forever with Russia". "
The President has noted that the year 2016 is not simple, because it is the pre- election year.
"In 2017, we will elect the president of our country. But elections always bring some innovation, and then the society is vulnerable - the president said. - And then the political principles can be both positive and negative.
Therefore, I appeal to the leaders of the executive and legislative bodies to work together on the subject in order to continue our work on the implementation of the available programs and to maintain the stability, we achieved since the presidential elections in 2012 ".
During the session the members of the political council discussed the date of holding the referendum on accession of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation, and have come to conclusion that it is appropriate to hold a referendum after the presidential elections in 2017, due to the fact that the referendum topic causes tension in the society on the eve of presidential elections.
According to the leader of the political party "United Ossetia", the Speaker of the Parliament Anatoly Bibilov, the question of holding a referendum to access the Republic of South Ossetia to Russia is of vital importance.
"We all know that the vast majority of citizens of the Republic are for accessing of South Ossetia to Russia, - said Bibilov. - We remember well when the President announced a referendum, practically all political parties supported the idea. This is not the idea of ​​the President, it is not the idea of ​​a political party "United Ossetia",- it is the centuries-old idea of​ our nation. "
Bibilov has noted that before holding the referendum it should be carried out the work with people, members of public organizations and political parties.
Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev has emphasized that the mechanism of amending the Constitution of the Republic, proposed by Leonid Tibilov, will allow South Ossetia to legally apply to Russia with a request to access to the Russian Federation.
"The idea of holding of a referendum proposed by the President of the Republic, is right, as far as our appeal to Russia will be legally grounded and politically well-timed, - Dzhioev said. - I also support the idea of ​​holding a referendum later. This will give us an opportunity to further discuss in detail the question we will put to a referendum, to formulate it so that it will be really acceptable both for us and for Russia, and it would also be clear for the international community."
The Chairman of the Republican regional branch of the International Public Movement "The Supreme Council of the Ossetians" Robert Gagloev has added that the issue of holding a referendum was discussed at the presidium headed by his department.
"After consideration the issue was raised at a meeting of the International Coordinating Council of the public movement" Supreme Council of the Ossetians", which took place in Vladikavkaz - Gagloev said. - All members of the coordination council composed of 77 people supported the formulation of the President of South Ossetia to hold a referendum. Regarding its date some of the participants of the meeting expressed the opinion that it should be taking into account the situation in which there is today Russia itself. They also considered it appropriate to hold the referendum after the presidential elections. "
Leader of People's Party of South Ossetia, Alexander Pliev also spoke in favor of holding the referendum later.
"Certainly, the idea of ​​reunification with Russia is sacred for us, as well as it was for our ancestors, - Pliev said. - Of course, we have to hold a referendum, but at this stage, I think we are not ready for this step; we should seriously prepare for it and to hold it after the elections. We must very seriously and responsibly approach this fateful step for. "
The leader of the party "Fydybasta" Vyacheslav Gobozov has stressed that referendum is never held in an election year, because instead of the will of the people it reveals the sympathies and antipathies of certain citizens.
The other participants of the meeting, the members of the political council, as well as all the guests have also expressed their opinion to hold the referendum after the presidential elections in 2017.
After discussion, the President put to the vote the question to hold the referendum after the presidential election in 2017: three members of the political council voted against, one abstained, the rest voted for.
Today, following the results of the meeting, Leonid Tibilov and Anatoly Bibilov have made a joint statement to hold the referendum after the presidential elections in 2017.
The Political Council under the President of the Republic of South Ossetia was established by the presidential decree in 2004. It consists of the heads of political parties, social movements, representatives of the government and scientific intelligentsia.


Fri, 20/05/2016 - 22:29

A mourning rally dedicated to the victims of the ZAR tragedytook place in South Ossetia

In South Ossetia took place a 1992 mourning rally dedicated to the victims of the ZAR tragedy.

The South Ossetian leadership, headed by President Leonid Tibilov, the public, relatives of the victims came to the monument "Grieving mother" to commemorate the victims.

At the beginning of the mourning rally those gathered observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims. At the same time, a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the Zar tragedy was observed throughout the Republic, was halted the traffic, suspended the work of organizations and institutions in the Republic.

The participants of the rally laid flowers and wreaths at the monument to the memory of victims of the Zar tragedy.

Opening the mourning events the Head of Department of the Ossetian language and general linguistics of the South Ossetian State University Yuri Dzitstsoyty has stressed that the Zar tragedy is one of the bloodiest tragedies in the recent history of South Ossetia.

The Chairman of the Committee for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Marina Kochieva, who had lost her mother in the Zar tragedy, said that "although 24 years have passed since those terrible events, but the pain is still fresh and the wounds open."

"The people of South Ossetia experienced many tragedies, including the Zar, Ered, Tsinagar tragedy - Kochieva said. - We need to know and remember the people who fell on the field of battle for freedom, brought their lives on the altar of freedom in the name of our Republic. "

Kochieva has expressed the hope that in South Ossetia will never be such a terrible tragedy.

"The Zar tragedy - it is not only the tragedy of the families who lost their loved ones, it is a national tragedy, and your help and support for us is veryprecious," – said Kochieva.

She has noted that the day before, May 19, in South Ossetia, there was another tragedy - the accident on the highway Tskhinval-Leningor, leading to the deaths of Russian servicemen.

"We know the bitterness of loss - said Kochieva. - We are grieving and mourning together with their families and friends. "

The Head of State Leonid Tibilov welcomed those present and expressed his sorrow and condolences to all the relatives and friends of the victims.

"Exactly 24 years ago on May 19 Georgian aggressors had committed a monstrous crime against our people, were killed the innocent people, we will never forget this tragedy"-, said Tibilov.

Tibilov said that people of South Ossetia will always keep the memory of those killed in the Zar, Ered, Tsinagar tragedies, all the victims, who were killed defending their Fatherland from the enemy.

"We will always remember the names of those who selflessly fought for their country, those thanks to whom we live today in the independent state, - Tibilov said. - We will never forget the names of Russian soldiers who gave their lives to save South Ossetia. "

The Head of State has reminded that May 19 on the territory of South Ossetia, on the highway Tskhinval- Leningor there was a terrible tragedy, which claimed the lives of young Russian servicemen.

"Once again I express my condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims, to the leadership of the Fourth military base and all those who in sorrow met this terrible news. Our people are united; we share the bitterness of the loss and are grieving with their families. "

Tibilov instructed the heads of the ministries and agencies to develop proposals on the perpetuation of names of the servicemen killed in the accident.

"These guys were serving not only in the Russian army, they served our people and maintained the peace that we have," - said the president.

The Dean of the Tskhinval churches Priest Jacob Khetagurov said a prayer for the souls of the dead.

It should be reminded that May 20, 1992 Georgian gunmen shot on the Zar road a convoy of four cars, trying to leave Tskhinval. Were killed 32 people, most of whom were the elderly, women and children.

Fri, 20/05/2016 - 22:26

The delegation of the Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions will arrive in South Ossetia

May 23, 2016 the delegation of Co-Chairs of the Geneva international discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia will arrive in the Republic of South Ossetia.

As reported by the Office of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia, as part of the visit will be held a meeting with members of the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva talks, during which will be discussed preparations for the next round of discussions scheduled for June, 2016.


Wed, 18/05/2016 - 15:58

In Moscow took place a meeting of the heads of customs agencies of Russia and South Ossetia

May 11 in Moscow took place the meeting of the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of South Ossetia Murat Tskhovrebov with the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia Andrei Belyaninov. During the meeting it was discussed the mechanism of implementation of the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and Russia regarding the integration of the customs authorities. The corresponding supplementary agreement was signed by the parties April 25, 2016.
According to Murat Tskhovrebov, the meeting was held in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. The parties have agreed to proceed with the implementation of the additional agreementand to form a joint working group that will coordinate the practical implementation of measures to implement the agreement and to solve the arising problems. On the proposal of the Russian partners the meetings of the working group will also be conducted in the videoconference format. The parties also discussed the issues of information exchange between the customs authorities of South Ossetia and Russia, as well as cooperation in the field of logistics.
In an interview with the journalists of IA "Res" Murat Tskhovrebov has noted that thanks to the policy of President Leonid Tibilov the interaction of South Ossetia and Russia in the field of customs has reached a new level: "In the format of a joint working group, we will be able to quickly solve all the issues that may arise in the implementation of the signed agreement. With the development of bilateral co-operation in South Ossetia will be modernized the material-technical resources of the South Ossetian customs authorities, and will be improved the skill level of our employees. I am pleased to say that we have met full understanding and support of Andrei Belianinov. "
According to the head of the South Ossetian customs authorities, this meeting has become an important step in the implementation of the supplementary agreement to the Treaty of Alliance and Integration, signed on March 18, 2015 by presidents Leonid Tibilov and Vladimir Putin: "In the field of customs, we, with our Russian colleagues have been consistently implementing the course, fixed in the signed agreement. It aims at the closest interaction and cooperation between South Ossetia and Russia. "

Wed, 18/05/2016 - 15:57

The South Ossetian delegation took part in the ceremonies to mark the second anniversary of proclamation of the Donetsk People's Republic

The delegation of South Ossetia took part in the ceremonies dedicated to the second anniversary of proclamation of the Donetsk People's Republic.
The delegation included the Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, the State Adviser to the President of South Ossetia Rodion Siukaev, Deputy Head of the Presidential Executive Office Vladimir Tskhovrebov and a member of the political council of the party "United Ossetia" Igor Kozaev.
According to the State Adviser to the President of South Ossetia Rodion Siukaev, the celebrations in the country began on May 11, with a large-scale marsh of workers on the main street of Donetsk.
At a solemn meeting in the Donetsk National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after A. Solovyanenko - the culmination of the festive events, were the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko and the heads of delegations.
The Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov read out the welcome address of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov to the leadership and people of the Donetsk People's Republic:
"You are not alone in your struggle for freedom and independence. All the people of goodwill share and understand the meaning and purpose of your struggle. Our people have gone through the same hard trials on the thorny path to the recognition of our statehood. "
Zakharchenko, in turn, expressed his gratitude to the people and leadership of South Ossetia for their support.
He has stressed that the Republic of South Ossetia is the first country that has recognized the independence of the Donetsk People's Republic that is a true step of friendship and support to the brotherly people of Donetsk.
Alexander Zakharchenko issued a decree to award the "Order of Friendship" of the Donetsk People's Republic to the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov.
Zakharchenko has also presented the appropriate awards to all members of the South Ossetian delegation.
The event has ended with a festive concert, which was also attended by the South Ossetian artists- the children's ensemble "Scythians" by the Lyceum of Arts.
During the visit to the DPR representatives of the Presidential Executive Office of South Ossetia Rodion Siukaev and Vladimir Tskhovrebov held several meetings with Minister of Economy of the Donetsk People's Republic Victoria Romaniuk and the Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova.
According to Rodion Siukaev, in the course of the meeting with Viktor Romaniuk were discussed the issues of economic cooperation between the two republics.
"With the Foreign Minister we have discussed further cooperation with the Donetsk People's Republic to prepare an agreement on friendship and cooperation, which will bring the interaction of Donetsk and South Ossetia to a qualitatively new level", - added Siukaev.
The festive events were also attended by delegation, of Russia, the Republic of Abkhazia, the Luhansk People's Republic.

Wed, 18/05/2016 - 15:54

Murat Gassiev knocked out the American heavyweight

Ossetian professional boxer Murat Gasseev (Iron) became the mandatory challenger for the title of the IBF World Champion, by knocking out the American Jordan Schimmel.
Gassiev knocked out the opponent in the first round of the alleged 12-round bout. The boxing match was held in the Carlton, the US state of Minnesota.
The coach of the Ossetian athlete Vitaly Slanov has noted in an interview with the news agency "Res" that the team did not count on a quick victory.
Murat Gassiev will soon fight for the IBF title of the world champion. The opponent will be determined after the bout between Victor Emilio Ramirez and Denis Lebedev, which will take place on May 21.
A young talented boxer Murat Gassiev, not being defeated in the ring, has won the European IBF title, the IBF Intercontinental Champion, the WBC world champion. After the victory in this bout, he updated his record to 23 wins.
Schimmel has held 21 battles and 20 of them he has won.
The bout was broadcast worldwide on TV channel Fox sports 1.
