

Mon, 16/01/2017 - 15:57

2017 as the litmus test for Georgia

The anti-Russian forces in the West at the cost of incredible efforts are holding discontent of the peoples of their countries. The anger of voters is caused by deterioration of relations with Russia, irresponsible policy in the Middle East and the Maghreb, which flooded Europe with hundreds of thousands of frightened and aggressive migrants.

Elections in the United States, France, Bulgaria and Moldova have shown that people, who are still free to choose their leaders, reject Russophobia. They want to see in leading positions those politicians who promise to rollback from a dangerous policy that led the world to the brink of a large-scale war.

The bankrupted world political forces (only yesterday the all-powerful ones) have relied not only on the anti-Russian hysteria inflation, but also on discrediting the politicians who oppose them in the countries of the Western world. Their rhetoric, becoming more stupid and sounding more plaintive, is the evidence how they are scared, disoriented, catching at the last straw.

At the time, they were able to seize a number of states with the help of traitors to pretend patriots and nationalists. However, over the past period, the people have realized that the colorful slogans were a hoax, and politicians who came to power on a wave of the "colored" and off-colored revolutions do not think about the welfare of the people, but perform the functions of colonial administrations, providing to pumping out to the West the national wealth of the voluntary colonies led by them.

Georgia is not an exception.

In Georgia live the hard-working people who reached excellent financial results in the years of Soviet power. There were hundreds of industrial enterprises in the country, which made much of profit. The almost universal employment along with agricultural development allowed providing one of the highest rates of living standards. However, in the late 1980s - early 1990s appeared public organizations, which advocated the break with the Soviet Union and rapprochement with the West, primarily with the United States, membership in NATO. In 1991 Georgia proclaimed "the blockade of the Soviet Union", which led in fact to self-blockade of Georgia, rapture of economic ties with industrial partners and subcontractors. At the same time bloody wars were unleashed against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The positions of the moderately corrupted Soviet officials were occupied by people deprived of the slightest moral principles who rushed to privatize and appropriate everything they could. This led to a severe economic collapse.

In the early 2000s in response to Saakashvili's promise to transform Georgia into a powerful anti-Russian bridgehead, the West rendered an unprecedented economic, technological and intellectual assistance to Georgia, which made it possible to some extent, to smooth the impact of mediocre, and even harmful economic policy of the authorities. Subsequently, however, the West appreciated the low worth of Georgia in its anti-Russian aspirations that had an impact on the amount of funding.
As the "Georgian economic miracle" was not based on the achievements of the Georgian economy, but on the direct cash flows, it is not surprising that the economic situation in Georgia became more complex. On the New Year's Eve the rate of the national currency plummeted against the US dollar. For a few months GEL depreciated by almost 50 percent. The devaluation hurt the low-income groups, which are 2/3 of the number of inhabitants of the country. In the difficult situation were those who took loans in foreign currency.

The Government led by Kvirikashvili developed a program of budget subsidies, but what results it could bring under condition of GEL depreciation and general rise in price. It should be stressed the energy prices (electricity and fuel): firstly, they are imported from other countries and their price depends on the exchange rate; secondly, the increase in prices leads to higher prices for goods of local production.

After intensive efforts for two decades, aimed at the collapse of its economy (as the bankruptcy, conversion and even the closing of each enterprise oriented to Russia was presented as breaking another "slave circuit"), Georgia is increasingly losing the signs of the producing country, becoming a consumer, the food basket of which is formed mainly by imported products.

Georgian "virtual prosperity bubble" is gradually deflating. The economy is not able to cope with problems that arise due to the lack of the real sector. The government is trying to take urgent measures, mending holes in the budget, not realizing that the problem is systemic, and it is impossible to solve it in a short time: because it requires systemic reforms, overcoming the conditions that were being formed for a quarter of a century!

As we know from the course of high school, the economic base has a direct impact on the political superstructure.

In political terms, the main event last year was the parliamentary elections, showing the division of society into two parts. "Georgian Dream" achieved more than a convincing victory over the main opposition party "United National Movement". Six mandated went to the party "Alliance of Patriots of Georgia". Many believe this party "pro-Russian". At the same time, the pro-Western "Republicans" and "Free Democrats" suffered a catastrophic defeat.

The extremely low turnout reflects not only the disappointment of the major part of the population in the political course of the country, but also a lack of faith in changing the heavy political realities by a simple voting. In principle, one can understand them.

However, the Georgian Foreign Minister Janelidze considers it very successful. But he has no choice - he is forced to adhere to the official position of his leadership. A main information component in the Georgian foreign policy is in advertising of the supposedly successful promotion of the issue on introduction of visa-free regime between Georgia and the European Union member states. Can this be considered a successful example of foreign policy is a moot point. Because in fact, the Georgian authorities commit in this matter quite a crude substitution of concepts. In fact, since 1988, starting the promotion of Georgia's withdrawal from the Soviet Union, the people of Georgia were promised the abolition of the visa regime as an obstacle to labor activity of citizens of Georgia in the rich countries of the West and, accordingly, the possibility of getting high salaries. And now we are talking only about the abolition of visas, but not about the permission to work in Europe.

That is, citizens of Georgia will be able to travel to Europe without a visa, saving on this four-day and 20 Euros. They will be able to spend their money in Europe. However, they will not be able to work and earn money.

Was it worth to destroy the economy, science, education system, inherited from the Soviet Union, to spoil relations with South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Russia?

The topic of NATO membership is also increasingly shrouded in mist, especially after the coming to power of the new U.S. President Donald trump. In Georgia, there is a strange situation, when everyone understands that it is impossible to join the alliance in the foreseeable future, but no one dares to talk aloud about it.

Georgia is risking remaining alone with all its problems. The pompously advertised Western assistance is reduced to organization of concerts and visits of not quite adequate politicians like Senator McCain. The latter, probably competing with Nuland, who handed out cookies in Kiev, during the New Yes`s holiday handed out rolls to residents of the Georgian villages bordering on South Ossetian territory.

For the Georgian leadership it is increasingly difficult to cope with the economic and political situation in the country. Especially difficult is to explain to the people the failure of pursuing a policy of the "West" to the detriment of relations with its historic neighbors. This is not the failure of the Georgian leadership: in fact it is not an independent subject of politics, but only the object of the impact of external forces – primarily the Western. It says about the failure of the policy of tough confrontation, pursued by the West led by the United States from Carter to Obama.

Georgia will be able to avoid unwanted consequences, if its leadership adopts a more independent, pragmatic position that meets the interests of the Georgian people.

2017 will show whether the healthy forces in the Georgian society can convey to the authorities the acknowledgement of the disastrous confrontation with the historic allies in the light of changes in the world political arena. At the same time we will see whether the Georgian political class is in solidarity with the people of the US and European countries, who have said to the confrontation the resounding "No!


Thu, 29/12/2016 - 15:32

About visas and carrots or disappointment of Georgia in the European integration idea

After Donald Trump won the presidential election, and in the United States and in Western Europe are louder the voices of supporters of refusal of suitcases without handles in the form of useless East European border countries, including Georgia. These sentiments are reinforced with the strengthening of the global economic crisis, when the Western democracies have to think more about their own population than to support regimes hostile to Russia.

In Georgia are trying to save face with a completely deplorable economic situation in the country. Despite the optimistic statements of the Cabinet of Ministers about the soonest resolution of financial difficulties, the population increasingly feels the problems associated with the collapse of the economic policy. This indicates the reasonableness of disturbing attitudes in the Georgian leadership.

The Parliament has recently approved the state budget for 2017. Trying to patch holes in it, it had to close many social projects. It is planned to abolish some budgetary organizations. But it is the heightened attention to the social problems of the population that was one of the main pre-election trumps of the current Georgian leadership.

Thousands of ordinary people across the country come to protest against government plans to significantly increasing the rates of taxes on petroleum products, imported cars and cigarettes from January 1, 2017.

Dissatisfaction with the tax increase on cigarettes is easily converted to a joke by the statement about the fault of smokers themselves, who will have more incentive to quit smoking. However, drawing the eye towards the petroleum and petroleum products as a whole, we can see that the situation is far from comic.

The excise tax per ton of gasoline is expected to increase from 250 GEL to 500 GEL (approximately 200 USD.), diesel fuel - from 150 GEL to 400 GEL and for 1 thousand cubic meters of gas fuel for vehicles - from 80 GEL to 200 GEL. Customs clearance of imported cars with right-hand drive will raise three times and the excise tax on tobacco - 1.5 times. At the same time a lot of money for various international military exercises of Georgia and NATO are allocated regularly.

National Bank of Georgia from October 12 stopped intervening in the foreign exchange market. Since that day, GEL exchange rate against the US dollar has fallen by 13.8%. And since November 2014 it fell by 51% that is GEL devaluated by more than half. Moreover, unlike Russia, it happened without any sanctions, on the contrary, with the benevolent attitude and generous economic aid from the US and EU countries.

The population of Georgia has been sidelined from financial flows, is experiencing understandable frustration with the current situation. The extreme dissatisfaction and resentment causes awareness of the initial falsity of the most advertised goals of almost all the power-holding political forces that ruled Georgia from the first minute of collapse of the Soviet Union to the present day.

Among them a prominent place is occupied by the lack of real progress in the European integration promised in the mid 80's. But this is the backbone of advocacy structures, on which, was based a powerful ideological concept of Georgia's withdrawal from the Soviet Union, that has ruled the minds of all sectors of the Georgian society from politicians and academics to cooks and hairdressers.

"We will travel to Europe without visas. We will work there and receive European salaries, "- broadcast at rallies and on TV democrats and anti-Soviets.

For this purpose, Georgia destructed its Soviet industry, broken off economic ties with the Russian industrial enterprises, launched a bloody war against Ossetia and Abkhazia, provoked irreconcilable confrontation with Russia.

However, instead of being grateful Georgia saw with amazement the reluctance of Europe to open wide its arms. Georgians saw that the famous Hollywood smile without which Western officials do not even take a shower, is only a mask hiding the true attitude and true intentions of white European colonizers against the gullible natives.

However, the authors of the Western concepts did not take into account, in general, quite a high percentage of educated and able to think critically the Georgian population. As a result, for more than a quarter-century observation Georgians come to a conclusion disappointing for Europeans. The part of supporters of rapprochement with Russia is gradually increasing, though it is not so impressive - 15%. Former active critic of Russia Nino Burjanadze believes that the current authorities are doing too little, and that it is necessary to establish closer cooperation with Russia on a wide range of issues at the highest level. She says that "without this Georgia will never resolve its major problems."

But the majority of Georgians continues (or rather, through inertia than according to conviction) running after the carrot, which is hung on a string in front of them by European Union. However, some part of the Georgian population is tired of this quarter of a century cross. Therefore the EU has decided to give them the carrot "sniff": Georgia is promised visa liberalization.

But for pity's sake! Why only the liberalization? For almost 30 years, they promised the complete abolition of visas, visa-free regime between Georgia and Europe!

What will it give the citizens of Georgia? Is it the right to work in Europe and receive the extremely high salaries, in comparison with the Georgian ones?

Not at all.

Please be quiet.

Gently and carefully roll up lips, comrades the euro integrators.

Visa liberalization does not imply the right to work in Europe, but only to spend money there earned at home. However, everybody has this "right", even the residents of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. That is, in fact, all that the citizens of Georgia will receive is a penny saving on payment of consular fee and time to visit the consulate. If you compare this tiny plus with a very wide and very long minus – the width from South Ossetia to Abkhazia, and the length of nearly 30 years - it becomes clear the whole enormity of the deception that befell Georgia.

Any unbiased observer can see that positive changes in the economic situation in Georgia are possible only in the context of non-hostility with South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the restoration of relations with its traditional, for centuries-proven partners, and, first and foremost, with the Russian Federation.

In Georgia is growing number of people who see it.

And their voices sound louder.

Inal Pliev, international expert of IA "Res"


Sat, 24/12/2016 - 13:02

The impact of the wave of Russophobes` defeat in the US and Europe on the internal processes in Georgia

Many observers have noted that there are certain processes in the world which signify the attitude of the nations to the recent global political processes. Georgia is not the exception, which is sensitively reacting to the information and political, as well as ideological propaganda impulses coming from the NATO.

In the United States suffered a failure the policy of confrontation with Russia pursued by the group of Obama - Clinton. Due to the anti-Russian policy of the French President Francois Hollande has dramatically declined his rating, which deprived him of the opportunity to run for a second presidential term. Direct presidential elections in Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova led to the victory of Rumen Radev and Igor Dodon supported by the followers of maintaining good relations with Russia. Against this background in Georgia is rapidly losing its popularity the party of Mikheil Saakashvili - United National Movement (UNM).

The refusal of Saakashvili`s wife Sandra Roelofs to participate in the second round of parliamentary elections in fact is connected with the decline of the party. The party leadership has come to the conclusion that even the personal involvement of the spouse of the head of the party will not contribute to strengthen the shaky confidence of the electorate. For political reasons it was preferred ambiguity in this matter to the apparent defeat of such icon as Sandra Roelofs.

United National Movement, the lion's share of funding of which comes from abroad, despite the estrangement from its founding father Mikhail Saakashvili, continues to maintain its policy of escalation of the situation in the Caucasus.

In the social network has filtered the information that during the preparations for the parliamentary elections, the top of the UNM hoped to receive the support of the Wahhabi part of the population of the Pankisi gorge of Georgia. And, in the light of the existing close contacts and the exchange of statements full of mutual courtesy between Saakashvili and Aslan Maskhadov, this information is credible. Reportedly, the party activists met with the leaders of Islamist groups. In addition, in the interests of UNM there are some Georgian organizations, similar in structure and methods of work with the Ukrainian "Right sector". What this means for the Georgian society we can judge by the example of Kiev`s "Maidan", when by orders from abroad neo-fascist thugs are ready to drown in blood their own people.

The analysis of the Georgian media allows making a conclusion about the split in UNM. Although Georgia does not need another revolution, but revolutionary rethinking of the traversed path, the differences within this major party are not strategic, but tactical. One part wants to dissociate themselves from the former president. Another, on the contrary, is trying to hold the all-party Congress to challenge the election results and the announcement of further support of Saakashvili. If both camps fail to agree, UNM as a serious political force may cease to exist.

However, the agreement is still a long way off. And is it possible any compromise, if a few days ago 20 employees of the central office of UNM were released from the job. According to the official version, this is due to the reduction in the party financing by 100 thousand GEL. However, for such major parties it is not such a significant amount to be reduced. In fact, from the UNM are forced away supporters of Mikhail Saakashvili.

While UNM went bankrupt in the most important areas of its policy, which was carried out when he was in power, the reality is that currently in Georgia does not exist any more or less significant political force, which would suggest a fundamental review and revision of the entire political ideological construction, and what is the most important thing - the historical "route" that Georgia has been following since 1980-ies. This would clarify the causes of the current difficult situation.

How many Georgians will still believe in the party, which led them to the political deadlock? But the point is not only in one party, but in the system, established over the past thirty years and characterized by extreme chauvinism, the ideological narrow-mindedness and cultivation of wild nationalistic prejudices that hinder rational thinking based on facts.

The way out of such crisis is possible if only the relations with Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia will be normalized. But in the current information and ideological policy, when all failures are explained solely by external factors, any move in this direction by a majority of the Georgian society will be perceived exclusively as a manifestation of lack of patriotism and defeatism.

Inal Pliev
International expert of IA "Res"


Fri, 23/12/2016 - 13:06

South Ossetian medics discussed with Russian academician Sergei Puzin the organization of medico-social expertise

Issues related to conducting medico-social examination were discussed at the meeting of academician of RAMS, Professor, doctor of Medicine, head of the Department of geriatrics and the medico-social examination "Russian medical Academy of postgraduate education" of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation Sergei Puzin with the head of the Ministry of Health of South Ossetia Gregory Kulidzhanov, State Advisor to the President of the Republic Rodion Siukaev and employees of medical system of the RSO.
The representatives of the South Ossetian party told the Russian academician about the issues arising in the course of medico-social expertise.
"We need to think about what to do if there is any disagreement in matters of medico- social expertise, so we will discuss the ways and think about a certain standard," - said Puzin.
Rodion Siukaev, in turn, pointed to the clause of the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and Russia, according to which Russian citizens residing in the Republic may undergo examination on the spot.
"Those citizens, who for health reasons cannot undergo examination on the territory of Russia, can undergo it here, and the documents will be accepted by a party, which pays this pension," - said Siukaev.
Puzin, for his part, said that the basic document is ready and it need to be developed legally, the relevant documents should be prepared. - We will help you in this work in every way."
Puzin has also stressed that the leading doctors of the South Ossetian central district hospitals may be trained in Russia.
"You can contact us with the corresponding letter in order to train their primary specialization, after which they will become doctors-experts" - said Puzin.
During the meeting, the doctors asked Puzin their questions.


Tue, 20/12/2016 - 17:29

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov met with the leadership and staff of RISS

In the conference hall of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies (RISS) under the Executive Office of the President of the Russian Federation, the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov has made a report on the subject: "The role of South Ossetia in maintaining political stability in the Caucasus."
The event was opened by the Director of the RISS, Lieutenant-General of the Foreign Intelligence Leonid Reshetnikov, who welcomed the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov and all those present, noting the importance of the event, emphasizing the existing close relations between the South Ossetian State University and RISS and gave the head of South Ossetia the floor.
The event is attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation, Rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev, director of the news agency "Res", the deputy of the Parliament of South Ossetia Alla Dzhioeva, the staff of the RISS, well-known Russian experts and political scientists.
Leonid Tibilov`s report covers the issues of scientific-theoretical and practical value of the theme, the growing role of South Ossetia in the historical process of strengthening of the geopolitical position in the Caucasus.


Sun, 18/12/2016 - 12:12

Where will the Georgian authorities lead their country?

The Georgian population is seriously disappointed in democratic procedures and is gradually losing faith in the European course of development.

This is evidenced by the results of the recent parliamentary elections in Georgia. Experts have noted that turnout of voters was only half of the country's citizens. At the same time a considerable part of those who came to the polling stations experienced certain pessimism about the pro-Western policy of development of the Georgian state.

It indicates that Georgia is at a political deadlock, and more and more voters feel this fact.
The statements of the Georgian politicians that the Western course of development will enable them to become a full member of the EU and NATO failed to be implemented and led to disappointment.

The theme of the North Atlantic integration should be considered separately. Leaving aside the loud statements of the current president Mr. Margvelashvili and its predecessor, the criminal Saakashvili, it is interesting to know what concrete benefits Georgia has got from contacts with NATO.

Without NATO, Saakashvili would have never ventured into a bloody adventure in August 2008. The problem of resolving conflicts with South Ossetia and Abkhazia would have been remained under the ongoing negotiation process, very difficult, but not bloody. A lot of people would have survived.

Currently Georgian servicemen participate in all international NATO military operations all over the world, where NATO troops are fighting. Georgian servicemen are wounded, gave their lives for alien interests. On the territory of the country are periodically held military exercises with the involvement of the western contingent that does not contribute to peace and stability in the region. On the contrary, the main objective of the West is to incite Georgia against Russia, constantly trying to cash in on the issue of the "occupied territories".

Recently, on the territory of the joint NATO and Georgia's Center for training and assessment (JTEC) near Tbilisi have started the military exercises "NATO-Georgia 2016". This year it is the third multinational exercises on the territory of Georgia - after "Noble Partner" in May and "Agile Spirit" in September. There is a systematic build-up of scale and intensity of the operational training of the Georgian armed forces according to NATO standards with the active involvement of the command and staff structures of the Alliance.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia, as well as the press-service of the Defense Ministry of South Ossetia have stated that the measures to improve the level of combat readiness of the Armed Forces of Georgia by NATO, the constituent part of which is to hold the military exercises- is to support the confrontational policy of Georgia and strengthening its military and political ambitions. The leaders of the Washington Regional Committee force a fully under controlled Margvelashvili once again put the country on the verge of resuming military adventures.

Something similar happens with the issue of Georgia's accession to the EU. Brussels attracts Tbilisi by "membership", in fact, knowing well that a poverty-ridden country, and even with territorial claims to the independent states is absolutely useless for Europe. Even the visa liberalization the EU promises to the Georgians not the first year.

So where will lead Georgia its current president Mr. Margvelashvili and his supporters of European integration and Russophobia? Moreover, the impoverished people are less willing to believe in a beautiful fairy tale of Brussels and Washington about the beautiful future.

Inal Pliev,
International expert of IA "Res"


Fri, 16/12/2016 - 15:16

A regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on socio-economic cooperation between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation will be held today in Vladikavkaz

The next meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) on socio-economic cooperation between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation will be held today in Vladikavkaz.

The South-Ossetian delegation is headed by the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, the Russian – by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin.
In the course of the meeting it will be discussed financial assistance of the Russian Federation to the Republic of South Ossetia in 2016-2017.

The South \-Ossetian delegation has also included the Chairman of the Government of South Ossetia Domenty Kulumbegov and other officials..


Tue, 13/12/2016 - 12:09

Alexander Totoonov and Igor Kochiev held a meeting of the Commission for Co-operation of the Federation Council and the Parliament of South Ossetia

At the Federation Council of the Russian Federation was held a meeting of the Commission for Co-operation of the Federation Council and the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia.

According to the website of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly, the meeting was led by Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Alexander Totoonov and the Chairman of the South Ossetian Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Igor Kochiev.

The work of the Commission was attended by Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov.
South Ossetia is a very important partner of Russia, said Alexander Totoonov during the meeting, noting the friendly bilateral relations.

The meeting participants discussed the issues of social protection of citizens of the Republic, the legislative ensuring of the implementation of the Agreement on alliance and integration between Russia and South Ossetia, as well as the inter-parliamentary cooperation and planning the Commission's work in the coming year.

The next meeting of the Federation Council Commission for Cooperation and the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia will be held in Tskhinval in 2017.


Fri, 04/11/2016 - 15:03

Alanian necropolis was discovered in Bulgaria

35 kilometers from the Bulgarian city of Dobrich Bulgarian archaeologists discovered the Alanian necropolis. This was reported to the South Ossetian-Bulgarian Friendship Society by the Adviser to the Varna Community and Director of the Regional historical Museum of Dobrich Kostadin Kostadinov.

"We have been digging the third week and are delighted with the results", - said the Bulgarian scientist.

The necropolis was discovered by the Candidate of History, researcher at the Department "Middle Ages" of the Dobrich Regional History Museum Bojan Totev Ivanov.

This is the second Alanian necropolis discovered by the scientists in the Republic of Bulgaria. The first, located three kilometers from the first one, was discovered six years ago also by Bojan Totev.

Bojan Totev is an outstanding Bulgarian scientist. His research interests include the study of the archaeological heritage of the steppe peoples in Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. He has been researching the cultural influence on the great trade routes. Scientific activities of Bojan Totev are expressed in a series of publications issued in Bulgarian, Russian, Kazakh and English languages, in the reports, made at international conferences and participation in archeological expeditions in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

"We are very happy about this discovery - said Kostadin Kostadinov. - There are the same burials here, as in Alan catacombs in the Caucasus. That's impressive. "

The South Ossetian-Bulgarian Friendship Society was registered in 2006. The first chairman was an outstanding Ossetian scientist, Doctor of History, Professor Murat Sanakoev. After his tragic death by the decision of the general meeting of the participants, the Society was named after him. The Society is engaged in the development of scientific and cultural cooperation with Bulgaria.

It is expected to issue a book of fairy tales in Ossetian and Bulgarian languages, as well as participation of the South Ossetian scientists in scientific conferences in Bulgaria.


Thu, 03/11/2016 - 13:50

South Ossetia is keeping close watching on the situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics - Foreign Minister of the Republic of South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev

Republic of South Ossetia recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics in June 2014. After signing the decree on recognition of the republics South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov instructed the Foreign Ministry to establish diplomatic relations with them.
On the positive results of the Ministry's work in this direction told the Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev.
"In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia its foreign policy is determined by the President of the Republic of South Ossetia, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the Executive body, implementing a coordinated foreign policy of the state, - said Dzhioev.
On June 18 and 27, 2014 by the decrees of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov were recognized the Luhansk People's Republic and the Donetsk People's Republic respectively.
"Dzhioev has noted that to execute the presidential decrees "On the recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic" and "On the recognition of the Lugansk People`s Republic", the Foreign Ministry is maintaining contacts with the foreign ministries of both republics.
"On April 16, 2015 took place the opening of the mission of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Luhansk People's Republic and in the Donetsk People's Republic, - said the Minister. - April 28, 2015 in the Republic of South Ossetia took place the solemn ceremony of opening the missions of the Luhansk People's Republic and the Donetsk People's Republic. The work of the missions contributes to the strengthening of friendly relations between our countries.
We are ready for fruitful cooperation, effectively using the existing potential. Currently we are working on memorandums of mutual understanding in various areas of cooperation. In particular, we are expecting the signing of a Memorandum on cooperation in the field of communications. We are also maintaining contacts in the field of culture, education and in the sphere of political relations. In these republics there are a large number of industrial enterprises, the products of which can find consumption in our contrary and vice versa; South Ossetia is rich in natural resources, such as mineral water springs, which may be of interest to our friends. In addition, we intend to set up joint ventures."
Dzhioev has added that in October in the LPR and the DPR were held preliminary elections to local authorities, which were attended by observers from South Ossetia.
"Our representatives have given high praise to the level of organization of voting, as well as the organization of life activity in these republics, despite the fact that they are subjected to daily aggression from the Ukrainian side, - said Dzhioev. - South Ossetia is keeping close watching on the situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics, deeply empathizing with their residents. We wish a speedy establishment of peace on this long-suffering land."
