

Sun, 19/03/2017 - 10:51

Russia will continue to protect the rights of its Paralympians

The Russian Paralympic Committee will continue to defend the rights of athletes in international courts, and Russian Paralympians will continue training. This was stated at the meeting in the State Duma, though the Russian Paralympic athletes were suspended from the qualifying competitions of the 2018 Paralympic Games.



Thu, 02/03/2017 - 23:22

New ambitions of the US-Georgian military cooperation

Official Tbilisi is actively seeking for approaches to the administration of Donald Trump, at the same time without losing the possibility to intensify political and military cooperation with Brussels.

February 10, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson received his Georgian counterpart Mikheil Janelidze. On the eve of the visit Georgian commentators, concerned about the possible, in their view, fall of Washington's interest in his Caucasian "Outpost", argued the need for Trump to pass a "Georgian test" designed to be no less decisive than the "Crimean", "Donbas" or "Ukrainian".

The question is, in their opinion, not only in the statements of politicians and in full consensus on the need for Georgia's membership in NATO, but also in participation of the Georgian contingent in ISAF operation in Afghanistan (where it is the second largest). The two countries are tied by "Strategic Partnership Charter" signed in 2009 and by a number of joint programs, including those related to logistics and equipping the Georgian armed forces.

Tbilisi expressed satisfaction from the first contact with the Secretary of State of the USA. According to the former head of the State Chancellery of Georgia, political scientist Peter Mamradze an important guarantee of immutability of Washington's policy toward Tbilisi is also a Republican majority in Congress and the Senate.

In addition, the Georgian Defense Minister Levan Izoria was invited to Brussels for a meeting of colleagues from NATO countries, where in the framework of the meeting "NATO-Georgia" held a series of bilateral meetings, including with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Georgian minister urged his counterparts from NATO to intensify support to Georgia and Ukraine in the framework of "security" in the Black Sea region. In response, Stoltenberg said memorized phrases about concern on strengthening of Russia's relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

But no less important was the visit of Levan Isoria and Chief of General Staff Vladimir Chachibaya to Bavarian Hohenfels. At the site of the former SS there is stationed now a US military base with an international training center for training military personnel going with the mission to Afghanistan and other countries. Currently there, in particular, are trained military personnel of 23rd battalion of the second infantry brigade of Georgian armed forces.

Levan Izoria agreed with the commander of US land forces in Europe, Lieutenant-General Frederick Ben Hodges on the establishment of a similar "military training center" in Georgia. Apparently, it will be created on the territory of the former military base of the Russian army in Vaziani near Tbilisi. The US and other NATO instructors will train Georgian troops there.

In late 2016, Washington and Tbilisi agreed on a three-year training program for new Georgian servicemen. "We intend to implement these ambitious plans this year. With our strategic partners, we will build a military training center similarly to Hoenfelskim "- said Levan Izoria.

The US military leaders spared no enthusiastic assessments of the high professionalism of the Georgian military participating in the mission in Afghanistan, called the Georgians "proud and reliable partners", "loving freedom and struggling for it," which "can ensure stability in the Caucasus and the Black Sea region" .

Hodges has stressed the important contribution of European command of the US armed forces in the development of the defense capacity of the Georgian army, announcing that soon he will leave for Tbilisi on the next visit. In addition, "the commanders of the bases in Grafenberg and Hohenfels in the near future will go to Georgia to get acquainted on the spot with the process of construction of the training center ... I think that the Georgian-US relations today are stronger than ever and will continue."

Earlier, the head of the Georgian government Giorgi Kvirikashvili emphasized on the need during the implementation of NATO programs for advanced combat training of Georgian troops.

A few years ago in Hohenfelse were serving both Georgian and Ukrainian soldiers and officers.

In August 2015, with the participation of Jens Stoltenberg and then Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili in Georgia was opened a joint NATO training center. It is also known that in the suburbs of Tbilisi is functioning bacteriological laboratory under the auspices of the US Defence Department. There is no doubt that the construction of new facilities, as well as the likely resuscitation of GUAM (the meeting at the level of heads of government is scheduled for March 27 in Kiev) can mean a new stage of NATO expansion into the former Soviet Union

Thu, 02/03/2017 - 23:18

Georgia should build equal relations with its neighbors

The growth of the pro-Russian sentiments among the population of Georgia has been noted by a recent survey of public opinion in Georgia conducted by the Western sociological services. The most large-scale and most resonant was a study, which lasted a whole month - from 4 November to 4 December 2016, by direct interview, covering 3000 141 people (!).

According to its results, the number of respondents who stand for good relations with Russia jumped since the previous year from 48 to 54 percent.

The survey was conducted by the USA National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, NDI). It was created by the US government in 1983 and is functioning in more than 130 countries for "democracy promotion in developing countries."

It is financed by the US State Department, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the National Fund for US democracy, as well as by a number of other state and not very sources, many of which do not like to advertise their name. NDI is headed by the executioner of Serbia, the former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

The results of the survey have prompted the United States to give a command to anti-Russian "nationalist" (and in fact - anti-national, anti-Georgian, judging by the results of their quarter-century works) forces, supervised by them, to intensify their work. It is clear - the political events in the world caused threat among some forces, which considered that the Georgian people are completely under their control. In addition, the situation in Georgia began to develop along the way undesirable for them. It became obvious the strength not of certain elite groups but of broad cross-section of the population and nationally oriented clergy. Their resistance to the ideology of the destruction of their past for the sake of alien interests, reigning over a quarter century, has become more decisive.

This was unexpected, because during its rule this ideological infection caused great harm to the people of Georgia. Due to time and situational whims of some individuals whose relationship with the special services of foreign countries is beyond any doubt, have been destroyed friendly relations with the neighboring nations - Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. As a result of the war, unleashed against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, were killed many Georgians (we're talking about the damage sustained by Georgia, but not about the harm caused by Georgia to its neighbors). The burning and looting of 117 Ossetian villages in South Ossetia and the depopulation of the dozens of other Ossetian villages in the subsequent period due to the economic blockade declared by the Georgian government, led to economic collapse in the neighboring villages of Georgia, with which they had economic ties, to an outflow of the population of the surrounding Georgian villages. In addition, the exile of the Ossetian population of the Kareli, Kakheti, Borjomi and Lagodekhi districts of Georgia led to the freezing of the local economic infrastructure. For example, the famous resorts of Borjomi district were not functioning for several years. In addition, the destruction of relationships with other Soviet republics and Soviet supply system abruptly dumped the standard of living of the majority of the population of independent Georgia to such gloomy depths of Hell, which the ordinary people of the Georgian SSR could not see even in a nightmare.

Everyone knows that the showcase health is open only to residents of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. A majority of the Georgian workers are separated from it by a high cash fence.

Of course, the people of Georgia, who gave the world a lot of outstanding literary works, the wise, instructive parables, on the twenty-fifth year of deceit simply could not but suspected a trick.

Apparently, therefore is so officious fussy activity of the western puppets - Russophobe forces. But these are panic actions peculiar to agony. If you regularly get acquainted with the statements of their representatives, it is easy to see that among them are also Ossetianphobes, Abkhazophobes, Armenianphobes, Azerbaydzhanphobes. But what is most surprising and, at first sight, unexpected, at the same time - Georgianphobes! Through their puppets they managed to embroil entire nation with its neighbors, isolating it from the historical friends, throwing their arms around and dictating terms of "friendship" - a common method that these forces have successfully used not only in Georgia.

Representatives of the same forces disguise themselves in the Georgian patriots’ clothes and have turned it from a prosperous Soviet republic into the impoverished territory with flagrant social stratification. These hysterical protesters do not separate us from Russia, declaring the capture of the "so-called" South Ossetia and Abkhazia by "the Kremlin occupants."

Let's see who can be dissatisfied with the Russian presence in South Ossetia. They are the ones who for 20 years - from 1988 to 2008 were destroying South Ossetia. They are unhappy that Russia is building houses, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, libraries, water supply system, street lighting, roads and everything, everything, everything!

"The Kremlin occupants," also cause strong dissatisfaction of pathogens. One cannot express how microbes are affected by "the Kremlin occupants"! By providing all necessary medical institutions of South Ossetia, "the Kremlin's occupants," violate the microbes’ plans against the people of South Ossetia. They were especially outraged by the construction of a luxury children's hospital.

Those who are dissatisfied with this, those who call South Ossetia the "occupied", liken themselves to bacteria, microbe and bacillus!

In the article "Georgian politicians themselves feel uneasy, making such absurd statements" on February 10, 2017 we have already studied some of the masterpieces of the Georgian political thought. Now we`ll continue.

State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civil Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili stated that "Tskhinvali is occupied."

Vice-Speaker of the Georgian Parliament Sergi Kapanadze calls on the national authorities and the international community "to focus on the situation in the so-called South Ossetia." The politician calls it as the "challenge of the dark Russian forces." We know that in Georgia are following the publications in the Ossetian media. It would be desirable that Mr. Kapanadze recall that it was Georgia which for many years, since 1991 to 2004, was keeping South Ossetia in the dark energy blockades, and only thanks to Russia, "the people who were sitting in darkness have seen a great light, "- just like in the Bible! (Matf.4: 14-16). So not Russian forces are dark! On the contrary, Russia, in contrast to such a traitor to their own people as Tsikhelashvili, Kapanadze and others like them, brings salvation and light, not only electric, and not only to


But the dark forces are those who have repeatedly brought the darkness to the Ossetian land and want to bring more.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the "National Movement" Tina Bokuchava accuses her own government ... in the performance of tasks from the Kremlin. The list of negative decisions has included the alleged bonded agreement between Georgia and "Gazprom", as well as the planned abolition of benefits for refugees on the Georgian territory.

Member of the "National Forum" Soso Vakhtangashvili believes that "there was never any trace of the Ossetian ethnos on the occupied territories of Georgia ". He calls the "rename of the Georgian land in Alanya" neither more nor less than a "crime against humanity". It is not surprising that he does not consider the shooting of sleeping Tskhinval with "Grad", tanks and artillery, mass killings of civilians a crime.

Тhe culmination can be called the statement of the leader of the parliamentary majority Archil Talakvadze. The intention to hold a referendum in South Ossetia he connects with the fact that "Russia is worried about the success and progress of Georgia, so it is looking for new ways to feel calmer in the occupied territories. In addition, the politician recalled the topic of visa liberalization. He stressed that "in the future Abkhazian and Ossetian brothers will be able to take advantage of this boon." What is the "boon" - we have already discussed in a previous article. This "right" is to spend their money in Europe, but in any case they are not allowed to work and receive a salary in Europe. But this is what was promised to the people of Georgia, when they were destroying their economy, traditional national values, national consciousness and way of life! What a terrible, what a huge lie!

It is useful to ask who we are, after all, to Georgian politicians: the victims captured by the invaders, aggressors of the native Georgian lands or brothers. The answer is obvious: official Tbilisi should not make loud statements, moreover, contradictory. This often happens in politics when from overseas is received an order to lie, but there are no any instructions what to lie and how to lie.

But adults should be ashamed to do so. True is always better, isn't this what they were taught in childhood by their parents?

You cannot call the rescue of people from killing as an aggression. You cannot call the liberation as the occupation. You cannot complain about the development of medicine, likening yourself to bacteria. You cannot call the dark forces those who bring light.

It is necessary to restore order in their own country, so that the ordinary Georgians can live better. If they have a better life, they will think less about the seizure of other people's homes. The quickest way to achieve this noble goal is building normal, equal relations with its neighbors. To do this, Georgia needs a revolutionary, honest rethinking of the traversed path. The healthiest forces of the Georgian people have already begun to understand it. Therefore were activated the stooges of external forces


Wed, 08/02/2017 - 12:55

The most discussed and exciting event for the residents of South Ossetia and Ossetians is the April 9 presidential election

The Ossetian association in Sochi, always actively participating in the life of the Republic, with great interest is observing the process of preparation and holding of this historic event - the election of the President of South Ossetia on 9 April, 2017.

The main topic of the meeting of representatives of the Ossetian community headed by the Chairman Anatoly Margiev and athletes of the national team of Russia on free-style wrestling with the head coach - Dzambolat Tedeev was the upcoming elections, namely, the belief in the conducting of elections in strict compliance with the current legislation of South Ossetia.

Participants of the meeting unanimously supported the candidacy of Leonid Tibilov - guarantor of successful development of the country for the next five years.

Wed, 08/02/2017 - 12:54

Znaur Gassiev met with the Deputy Foreign Minister for European Affairs of the Republic of Venezuela Samuel Moncada

February 7, 2017 at the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Russia was held a meeting of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Znaur Gassiev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Nicaragua Nariman Kozaev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Russian Federation Igor Ahba with the Deputy foreign Minister for European Affairs of the Republic of Venezuela Samuel Moncada and the Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Venezuela to Russia Alvaro Sanchos Cordero.

During the meeting, held in an atmosphere of trust, Mr. Moncada expressed willingness to address specific issues of cooperation between the two countries, including in areas, such as education, sport, medicine and economics. He has noted that today in Venezuela there is a difficult situation, but in the Republic are valued and respected partner relations with South Ossetia, as well as the readiness to deepen further cooperation.

Znaur Gassiev confirmed the readiness of South Ossetia to cooperate with the Venezuelan colleagues.

"South Ossetia and Venezuela are united by feelings of mutual sympathy, we feel solidarity with the friendly people of your country and, of course, support the policy of the Government of Nicolas Maduro, aimed at preventing the destabilization in the country", - said the Ambassador.

The parties agreed to exchange proposals. In particular, it was noted that Venezuela is ready to provide its opportunities to promote the culture of South Ossetia, the coverage of its policy and public life.

It was also discussed the issues concerning the rapid exchange of information about the political processes.

Following the meeting it was agreed to hold a meeting at the Embassy of South Ossetia with the Chargé d’Affaires for a more thorough study of the prepared concrete proposals on both sides, which could become the basis for international treaties between the two countries.


Fri, 03/02/2017 - 16:03

The IPRM meeting was visited by the OSCE Chairman Sebastian Kurz

On the border of South Ossetia with Georgia - in the village of Ergneti is under way a meeting in the framework of the Mechanisms for preventing and responding to incidents. The meeting is also attended by the OSCE Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria Sebastian Kurz.

"It gives me great pleasure to be here - Kurtz said, addressing the participants of the meeting. - Austria has taken the OSCE chairmanship on 1 January, and I want to thank you for the opportunity to meet with you here in Ergneti. "

According to Kurtz, the OSCE this year puts three priorities in its activities.

"First - we would like to struggle with radicalization and violent extremism, the second - we'd like to help restore confidence between the states - participants of the OSCE, and the third - we would like to contribute something to defuse the existing conflicts", - said Kurtz.

He has noted he would like to return to the focus of attention people's problems, provide assistance to the local population that is most affected by conflict.

Then the meeting continued behind closed doors


Wed, 01/02/2017 - 18:56

What Crack is on Both Sides of the North Atlantic?

What Crack is on Both Sides of the North Atlantic?
Just as in the last century in Europe was wandering some ghost, now on both sides of the North Atlantic is a deafening crash. That is not a natural disaster. It`s falling apart at the seams ideological framework that ruled the planet in the last quarter of a century. All the more evident is the disappointment of the peoples of the countries - the flagships of the "new world order".
It is primarily the United States, France, Britain and Germany. Let us briefly focus on each of them.


Fri, 27/01/2017 - 13:19

Representatives of South Ossetia will attend the European Table Tennis Championship in Sochi

In the city of Sochi in February will be held the European Table Tennis championship, where as the spectators are invited a representative of the Table Tennis Federation of the Republic of South Ossetia Mirian Dzhioev and one of the best tennis players of the Republic Edward Bekoev.

According to Mirian Dzhioev, the European Table Tennis Championship will take place on February 1-6, 2016.

"In Sochi will also be conducted tennis workshops involving leading world experts, where we will also participate", - said Dzhioev.

The interviewee has added that the representatives of South Ossetia were invited to the event by Table Tennis Federation of Russia.

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 13:18

Ratification of the agreement brings a new level of relations between South Ossetia and Transnistria

Comment of the Head of the Official Representation of the Republic of South Ossetia in Transdniestria Sergei Surago for ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the two countries by the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic:

- January 25, 2017 deputies of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic considered the question of ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the Republic of South Ossetia.

Within three years the relevant diplomatic agencies of the two countries were working on its development. The first agreement was signed in 1994 by the President of South Ossetia Ludvig Chibirov and the Vice President of Transdniestria Alexander Karaman.

For South Ossetia, it was the first international treaty in the status of the unrecognized state.

For many years, on the basis of the document between the two countries was established a solid legal basis in the form of bilateral agreements.

There have been great changes in the life of the people of South Ossetia, it has become a recognized state; significant changes have taken place in Transnistria. This was the main factor to revise the previous treaty.

The new document is strategic for both countries and brings a new level of our relations. The 22 articles of the treaty contain all aspects of further progressive development of the fraternal peoples.

The diplomatic mission located in the city of Tiraspol, will celebrate its tenth anniversary in November 2017. And as always, the official representative office will do everything for the implementation of this important historical document.

We are grateful to the deputies of the Supreme Council of the VI convocation for the understanding and support of our relationship.
