

Wed, 30/03/2016 - 12:35

Georgia, as a state, is responsible to clarify the fate of the missing citizens of South Ossetia, - Murat Dzhioev

The unconstructive position of the Georgian delegation prevented the adoption of the joint statement of the commitment to the principle of non-use of force by the participants in the Geneva discussions, - told reporters Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia on post conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev.

According to him, the focus of the 35th round of international discussions, which took place on 22-23 March in Geneva, was on preparation of a legally binding document on the non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"Unfortunately, during the past rounds, we have not yet reached our main goal, which is facing the Geneva discussions – preparation of the legally binding documents on the non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as security of the peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia", ​​- said Dzhioev.

The discussions were held in two working groups - on security and humanitarian issues.

"The round was marked by the fact that on the eve of the meeting - 10 March there was a tripartite release of prisoners, as a result of which four our citizens illegally serving sentences in Georgian prisons, returned home, - said Dzhioev. - On behalf of South Ossetia, I thanked all those who, within and outside the Geneva Discussions took part in this noble cause. "

Dzhioev has noted that the South Ossetian side also drew attention to the recent increase in provocative actions by the Georgian side in the border area of South Ossetia and Georgia.

"Near the village of Jariasheni were repeatedly held unauthorized rallies,. - Dzhioev said. - We regarded them as another attempt by the Georgian side to escalate the situation on the eve of the important meetings – a meeting of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Grigory Karasin with the representative of the Georgian Government - Zurab Abashidze and the next round of the Geneva discussions. "

The first working group, as usual, discussed the issues related to preparation of the legally binding documents on the non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia."

"As a step in this direction was suggested to adopt a joint statement of all parties to be committed to the principle of non-use of force - Dzhioev said. - We had pre-sent the participants the draft short statement. Our proposal was supported by the Abkhaz and Russian colleagues, representatives of international organizations, but once again the unconstructive position of the Georgian delegation prevented to make such a joint statement. "

The South Ossetian side has also focused on the fact that the situation in the region may be tense in connection with training of the DAESH terrorists in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia.

"The Georgian side tried to deny it, saying that it was the safest, the most stable region in Georgia, even for the president, government and non-governmental organizations in Georgia - said Dzhioev. - We, in turn, said that the Pankisi Gorge was the object of attention of the Georgian authorities, non-governmental organizations, that could be regarded that the situation in this region is tense.

Murat Dzhioev has added that in the course of the 35 rounds was also discussed the issue of the missing South Ossetian citizens.

"Serbian specialist Dusan Ignyatovich prepared a report with recommendations. This report, as the report of the experts of Council of Europe, made in 2010, contained the information that three citizens of South Ossetia were in the hands of law-enforcement bodies of Georgia - said Dzhioev. - Therefore, Georgia, as a state, is responsible to clarify the fate of these citizens. We expect that the recommendations contained in the report of Ignyatovich will be studied. "

Dzhioev has added that the South Ossetian side has also insisted on returning of the icon-triptych, stolen in 1991, to South Ossetia.

"The icon triptych is illegal in Georgia since 2004," - said Dzhioev.


Mon, 28/03/2016 - 23:06

Representatives of RANEPA arrived in South Ossetia

On the invitation of the head of administration of the city of Tskhinval Alan Alborov in South Ossetia arrived the lecturers and students of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation (RANEPA).

According to the press service of the City Hall, the guests together with Alan Alborov are being trained in the Academy, in particular, the civil servants from different regions of Russia - Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Salekhard, Kazan, Tver, Ryazan, Cheboksary and Kazakhstan.

Members of the delegation were received by the Prime - Minister of South Ossetia Domenty Kulumbegov.

The meeting was attended by the head of the Presidential Executive Office of the Republic Alan Dzhioev.

During the meeting it was noted that such friendly visits and meetings contribute to strengthening of friendly relations and mutual assistance.

"We highly appreciate the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russia. Top leadership of the Republic in the person of President Leonid Tibilov are aware of your arrival and on his behalf, I welcome you. Many of our citizens graduated from this Academy and adequately fulfill the assigned tasks in their homeland. It is safe to say that due to the fact that our citizens are trained in this Academy, South Ossetia has worthy professionals in this field and their number increases ", -. Domenty Kulumbegov stressed.

The Premier told the guests about socio - economic processes in the Republic, noting that "in the past year, the country was able to do a lot – were restored the most important objects of social values ​​in the current year, the work in this direction continues ". The Prime Minister has also noted that all the work was carried out with the help of strategic partner - Russia.

The Federation Council member Igor Martynov expressed gratitude to the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov and Prime Minister Domenty Kulumbegov for the warm welcome. At the end of the meeting, Domenty Kulumbegov presented the guests with souvenirs.

The delegation visited the South Ossetian State University. Rector of the University Vadim Tedeev welcomed the guests, told them about the history of the university, its traditions and plans for the future. During the meeting were discussed issues of cooperation between the South Ossetian State University and RANEPA.

Among the distinguished guests were a member of the Federation Council, Igor Martynov, Doctor of Economics, lecturer of RANEPA and Russian University of Peoples Friendship Inna Andronova, Candidate of Law Tatiana Nikolaeva and others.

Doctor of Economics, lecturer of RANEPA Inna Andronova shared her impressions about the Republic.

"I am glad that I have visited South Ossetia, visited your university. This is my first visit to South Ossetia, but it seems to me that I have come home. Each of us, having visited your beautiful country, having become acquainted with the culture and education of South Ossetia will be warmly talking about it. I wish you fruitful work and every success, "- said Inna Andronova.

During the meeting the delegation members have noted the readiness for close cooperation, stressing that they will do everything possible for South Ossetia to have more highly qualified professionals in the field of national economy.

The members of the delegation laid wreaths at the monument to the defenders of South Ossetia in the courtyard of school №5 of Tskhinval in memory of the victims of the Georgian aggression, as well as in the town of Beslan in North Ossetia - Alania they laid wreaths at the monument to the victims of the terrorist attack.


Sun, 27/03/2016 - 10:34

The National Museum of South Ossetia and the Museum Association "Moscow City Museum" signed a cooperation agreement

In the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" in Moscow was signed a cooperation agreement between the National Museum of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Museum Association "Moscow City Museum", reports the website of the Embassy of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation.

The agreement was signed by General Director of the National Museum of South Ossetia Merab Zasseev and Ceneral Director of the Association "Moscow Exhibition Halls" and "Moscow Center for Museum Development" Alina Saprykina.

The agreement allows the parties to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of museology and museum activity, promotes popularization of the historical and cultural potential of the peoples of the two countries.

Under the signed Agreement, the parties will promote cooperation in various fields, in particular, organizing and conducting joint activities, exhibitions, festivals, presentations and other special events.

The agreement to sign the treaty with one of the largest museums in the Russian Federation was reached February 10, 2016 during the meeting of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Znaur Gassiev and General Director of the Museum of Moscow Alina Saprykina .

This initiative will serve as the beginning of a fruitful cooperation, will contribute to strengthening of friendly relations between peoples of the two countries in the light of the agreement "On Alliance and Integration, signed last year."


Fri, 25/03/2016 - 21:59

The statement of the South Ossetian delegation on the results of the 35th round of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia

22-23 March 2016 in Geneva took placethe 35th round of international discussions on security in Transcaucasia, attended by the delegations of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia, the Russian Federation, the United States, as well as the EU, UN and OSCE representatives. South Ossetian delegation was headed by Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev.

The discussions were held in two working groups: on security and humanitarian issues.

The representatives of the South Ossetian delegation in the introductory statements have noted the fact of the tripartite release of prisoners on March 10, 2016, carried out by the authorities of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Georgia, and expressed gratitude to all those involved in this process, including in the framework of the Geneva process. The parties have stressed that the release of prisoners is the result of interaction between participants of the Geneva discussions.

During the discussion, the South Ossetian side again raised the question of the fate of the missing citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia. International mediators have assured that the work on the investigation of cases of the missing citizens of South Ossetia will be continued by a specially invited independent international expert.

The discussion of the first working group was focused on the non-use of force by Georgia against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as to ensure security and stability in the region. It was continued the experts work to elaborate the statement on the non-use of force. Since the full statement was not agreed again, the South Ossetian delegation proposed to take a brief statement on the commitment to a peaceful settlement, the text of which would consist of provisions that would not cause controversy. The proposal was supported by the majority of participants; however, representatives of Georgia once again declined to discuss the project. The work on it will be continued at the next round.

South Ossetian participants rejected the attempts of the Georgian delegation to link the discussion of security issues in the region with bilateral South Ossetian-Russian relations, stressing that the South Ossetian-Russian relations are based and developed solely on the basis of international law and fully comply with the interests of peace and security in the region.

Discussing the issues of stability and security in the areas of the South Ossetian-Georgian border, the participants noted the lack of recent serious incidents. At the same time it was considered provocative activity of the Georgian side in the border areas, the fact of deliberate violations of the state border. South Ossetian participants once again reminded the Georgian side about the proposal of the authorities of the Republic of South Ossetia to begin a bilateral joint work on delimitation and demarcation of the state border between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia.

The panelists noted the effectiveness of the Mechanism for preventing and responding to incidents (IPRM) in the area of the ​​South Ossetian-Georgian border functioning within the framework of the Geneva discussions, as an important factor of stability and security in the area of ​​the Georgian-South Ossetian border, as well as the IPRM "hot line" South Ossetian participants drew attention of the Georgian participants and the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia to the inadmissibility of violation of the state border in connection with the upcoming season to collect wild plants.

The representatives of South Ossetia and Abkhazia expressed serious concern regarding security and stability in connection with the ongoing threat to the region by Georgia's rapprochement with NATOand the creation of the NATO infrastructure in the territory of Georgia on the background of the continuing aggressive rhetoric against South Ossetia and Abkhazia by the Georgian authorities. It was also noted that in Georgia, particularly in the Pankisi Gorge is functioning the training base of the terrorist organization DAESH.

Participants of the meeting characterized the propagandistic steps of the Georgian authorities, aimed at obtruding their vision upon international structures through the reporting of the alleged "human rights violations" in South Ossetia and Abkhazia and preventing arrival of international representatives in South Ossetia,.

They have also discussed humanitarian issues. The participants agreed at the meeting in Geneva to proceed with the approval of the draft document, reflecting the general principles of approach to the problem of missing persons. Discussing the issues of cultural heritage, the South Ossetian participants again raised the question of the return of the unique icon-triptych, stolen from the Museum of South Ossetia and now being in Georgia. Once again they have focused on the problem of threat to the preservation of the Ossetian historical and cultural monuments in the Eastern Ossetia which is under the control of Georgia, where is not allowed the expelled Ossetian population. Ossetian representatives reiterated their call to allow the experts to survey and assess the monuments of the Ossetian historical and architectural heritage in Tyrsygom Valley.

In the course of the meeting there was not any discussion of the problem of refugees. It is expected that the resumption of the issue of refugees will be possible after cessation of Georgia's attempts of artificial politicization of the problem.

The next round of discussions is scheduled for June 2016.

Geneva, 24 March 2016

Fri, 25/03/2016 - 21:26

Delegations from Abkhazia and Russia arrived in South Ossetia

The delegation of the Republic of Abkhazia, led by the Vice-President Vitaly Gabniya and State Secretary of the Russian Olympic Committee Andrei Konokotin arrived today in South Ossetia. The guests were accompanied by the head coach of the Russian national team in freestyle wrestling Dzambolat Tedeev. The delegation has also included the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Abkhazia on Physical Culture and Sport Bagrat Khutaba.

Near the Russian-South Ossetian border the delegations were met by representatives of the South Ossetian leadership and representatives of the Fund to Support the wounded disabled during the fighting on the territory of South Ossetia in 1989-2008. The guests were welcomed by the President of the organization of war invalids Madina Plieva, Deputy Head of the Presidential Executive Office of South Ossetia Konstantin Pukhaev, Advisor to the President of the RSO on Social Affairs Radion Siukaev, Ambassador of Abkhazia to South Ossetia Alan Elbakiev.

The guests were welcomed by Ossetian tradition with three pies and a cup of a ritual drink. The choir of the state song and dance ensemble "Simd" performed Ossetian and Abkhazian songs.

Vice-President of Abkhazia Vitaly Gabniya expressed gratitude for the warm welcome.

He has noted that the fraternal relations between the two republics each year are strengthened, and wished the residents of South Ossetia peace and prosperity.

"You won in a hard struggle for your independence. The courageous and heroic people of Ossetia are very close to us in spirit and the friendship between us over the years will become stronger ", - he said.

Andrei Konokotin visited South Ossetia for the first time and thanked everyone for the warm welcome.

He called Ossetia a forge of champions and wished Ossetian athletes further achievements.

"Ossetia is worldwide renowned for its sporting achievements. Dzambolat Tedeev is the pride of all Russian sports, "- he said and expressed hope for the development of sports cooperation between Russia and South Ossetia.

Dzambolat Tedeev welcomed the guests on the fertile Ossetian land and thanked them for the visit.

The Russian and Abkhazian delegations have also met today with the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov. The guests also honored the memory of the fallen defenders of South Ossetia and laid flowers and wreaths at the memorial monument.


Sat, 19/03/2016 - 15:31

In Moscow took place a meeting of Murat Dzhioev and Vyacheslav Chirikba with Russian Foreign Minister

In Moscow took place a meeting of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Vyacheslav Chirikba with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

In the course of the meeting were discussed issues of security in the Transcaucasian region, in particular in the areas of the state border of South Ossetia and Abkhazia with Georgia, humanitarian issues, as well as the prospects of the Geneva process.

On the same day the delegation of South Ossetia at the Geneva discussions led by the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of the RSO for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev held bilateral consultations with the Russian delegation headed by the State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Gregory Karasin. They have discussed issues of preparation for the upcoming round of discussions, which will take place on 22-23 March in Geneva.


Thu, 17/03/2016 - 16:42

In Geneva, in backroom conversations, for the first time we saw the prospect of resolving the issue of prisoners - the Minister of foreign Affairs of RSO Kazbulat Tskhovrebov

March 11, the released citizens of the Republic, convicted on trumped-up charges in Georgia arrived in South Ossetia. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Kazbulat Tskhovrebov told the news agency "Res" about the work on their release for 11 years.

- Four citizens of South Ossetia, after 11 years of imprisonment in Georgia have returned home. What kind of work was carried out during these years, what measures taken to release them?

- Indeed, our citizens had to spend difficult 11 years in Georgian prisons. All these years South Ossetia declared the illegality of their detention and imprisonment and demanded their release. South Ossetian representatives constantly raised this issue in the format of the Joint Control Commission, as well as at other platforms. However, due to the unconstructive position of the Georgian side and apparent unwillingness to take responsibility for the decision, even not political, but purely humanitarian questions, there was not any serious progress to resolve the issue. In this regard, I want to recall with gratitude the efforts of representatives of the civil society of South Ossetia, first of all, Lyra Kozaeva, who also addressed this issue, and largely achieved better results than the official structures of the Republic. In particular, they assisted in organization of meetings with relatives and officials, in transferring of requests to the Georgian state authorities.

- On the international platforms - the Geneva discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia and meetings in the format of mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents, attended by representatives of South Ossetia, it was repeatedly raised the question of the illegally condemned South Ossetian citizens, serving sentences in Georgian prisons. How this work influenced on the course of events?

- The South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva discussions regularly raised the issue of prisoners. It is important to raise such questions at such international platforms; it stresses the importance and urgency of their solution for the Republic of South Ossetia. It was in Geneva in backroom talks, when for the first time we saw the prospect of solving this issue, and then practically implemented. In this regard, I would also like to thank all colleagues in the Geneva discussions and appreciation for the work the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Republic of Abkhazia Oleg Botsiev.

- You yourself took part directly in the process of exchange of South Ossetian citizens in Abkhazia that was a truly historic event. What were your feelings at that moment?

- It is an unforgettable experience. When I opened the door of the minibus with our guys from Georgia, saying that they are free, they did not say a word and did not move because they did not believe in what was happening. I had to once again repeat it, but my heart at that moment was bleeding. And it is an indescribable state, when you are in the mother's arms, thanking "for the salvation of her son." These feelings will be with me forever.

- Most of the work to release the illegally convicted citizens of South Ossetia in Georgia has been done - our citizens have returned home. What support will be provided for rehabilitation of these citizens?

- From the Fund of the President South Ossetia and the Fund of the Government of South Ossetia are allocated funds for the initial needs of the liberated citizens. The guys are with their relatives. I think that in the native environment rehabilitation will take place as quickly as possible. If they need support or participation of the President or the Government in solving specific problems, I'm sure they can count on it.

- How many prisoners - citizens of South Ossetia are in Georgian prisons?

- At the time of the exchange we did not have any information about the other citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia imprisoned in Georgia. But now we have the information that may be the list is incomplete. This information should be checked. To date we have not received any information both from the relatives or the official authorities of Georgia. Several our citizens are listed as missing, but it is another area of work.


Tue, 15/03/2016 - 20:10

At the IPRM meeting were discussed the provocative actions of the Georgian citizens

At the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia, near the village of Ergneti was held the 64th meeting in the format of Mechanisms to Prevent and Respond to Incidents (IPRM).

As reported after the meeting by the head of the South Ossetian delegation, the State Adviser to the President of South Ossetia David Sanakoev, in the course of the meeting were discussed the issues, related to the situation in the areas adjacent to the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia.

"Since the previous meeting were recorded 5 cases of violation of the state border by the citizens of Georgia, as well as the provocative actions in different sections of the state border- plowing on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia, the actions of the citizens of Georgia, who crossed into the territory of our Republic. We have expressed concern about the situation, expressing the hope that such incidents will not happen in the future. "

According to Sanakoev, the South Ossetian delegation expressed gratitude to the participants in the IPRM, who participated in the mutual exchange of prisoners.

"For many years we discussed this issue, conducting negotiations and finally the decision has been reached", - concluded Sanakoev.

Tue, 15/03/2016 - 20:09

Values ​​such as the Okonsky Triptych, are returned to the original owner after any war - Director of the National Museum Merab Zaseev

The icon of Okonsky Triptych is of great artistic value. This is a rare work of early Byzantine school of icon painting, made by ivory carving, decorated with pearls, gold and silver, told the news agency "Res" director of the National Museum of South Ossetia Merab Zaseev, commenting on the issue of returning to South Ossetia from Georgia the Okonsky triptych, stolen in 1991 from the Local History museum of the Republic.

"The fact that there is grandeur in this icon says about its value and importance in the Christian world, - said Zaseev. - It is surprising that the fragments of the similar icons are at the Royal British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of New York, and we had it fully. "

Zaseev has noted that according to the available information the Okonsky Triptych in value is in the same list with the icon of Our Lady of Blachernae.

"These icons are masterpieces of early Byzantine school of icon painting, - said Zaseev. - In our museum the Okonsk Triptych was since 1925 according to the decision of the Central Executive Committee. By the decision of the CEC the icon was removed from the Okonsky church in Znaur district of South Ossetia and handed over to the museum - Zaseev said. According to certain information, this icon was presented to the Alan prince by the Byzantine emperor. "

Zaseev has noted that the icon is the exhibit of paramount importance for the museum.

"Each icon, especially in the Middle Ages, when in the Caucasus was spread Christianity, was handed over with a prayer, and every icon belonged to a certain community, - added Zasseev.- And, of course, it was of great spiritual importance for them."

The director has noted that it is difficult to estimate the importance of the Okonsky Triptych.

"The icon was venerated by all Orthodox Christians – he said. - But, unfortunately, during the Georgian aggression, the icon was lost, and, according to the available information, is now in Georgia. Furthermore, attempts were made to its sale; it was estimated at 2.5 million euro."

Zaseev has expressed the hope that during the negotiation process the parties will approach with great care to the issue of returning the Okonsky triptych to South Ossetian authorities.

"If we could only talk about an objective assessment of the situation by the International community and those involved in the consequences of the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia, such values are usually returned to the original owners after any war, - said Zasseev.- And we honestly cherish hope that this issue will be considered objectively, with due attention and the process will lead to good results. "

The day before, at a meeting with the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, Presidential Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev has noted that in Geneva South Ossetian representatives intend to raise issues of preserving the Ossetian artifacts being now in Georgia.

"Once again, we will raise the issue of cultural heritage, the return of the Okonsky Triptych to South Ossetia, stolen in 1991 from our Local History Museum and being now on the territory of Georgia", - stressed the envoy.


Sat, 12/03/2016 - 14:24

Leonid Tibilov met with South Ossetian citizens released from Georgian prisons

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov has met with the South Ossetian citizens, who for many years were serving sentence in prisons of Georgia on trumped-up charges. The relatives of the released citizens of South Ossetia have expressed their gratitude to the President, because thanks to the efforts of Leonid Tibilov today the guys have returned home. This fact was emphasized by the relatives and the released guys at a meeting with the President.

The mother of one of the released guys who has returned home after 11 years imprisonment, Lyudmila Usovich has noted that due to the efforts applied by Leonid Tibilov today her son George Zaseev and the other guys have returned home. According to her, she remembers, as the President gave her and other families promise, he was in a permanent solution to this problem since the early days of his presidency.

"I want to express my admiration for your courage, - said Lyudmila Usovich. - You gave us a promise that our sons would be released, and you have kept it. During your presidency, we were feeling your constant support. This is a great gift for all of us. You have given us new life. This would not have been without your efforts. I will remember it all my life. "

The released guys have also thanked the President.

"It`s too hard for us today to believe in this miracle. All these years we have been with our people. Thanks to you, Mr. President, we can now confidently start living " - expressed their gratitude to the President the released citizens.

The parents also addressed the words of gratitude to the President of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba.

Tibilov congratulated the citizens released from Georgian prisons to return to their native land.

"Since then, as you were captured by our southern neighbors, the aggressors, we together with your loved ones were doing everything to meet you as soon as possible, - the president said. -

You spent so many years in prisons of Georgia, serving a sentence on trumped-up charges. And, finally, you have returned to your native land, you love so much. I want to express my gratitude to all those who contributed to your release, especially your loved ones, who not for a minute forgot about you all these years. "

According to the President, the question to release the South Ossetian citizens from Georgian prisons have repeatedly been raised at the Geneva discussions.

"Several times I myself have met with co-chairs of the Geneva discussions to ensure that the question of releasing our citizens convicted on trumped-up charges, to be raised in the framework of the existing international format, - the president said. - Special thanks I want to express to the President of Abkhazia - Raul Khajimba. In September 2015, when he was in South Ossetia on the occasion of celebration the 25th anniversary of the Republic, I discussed with him the issues relating to our citizens in Georgian prisons. "

Leonid Tibilov has also noted that for the needs of the released South Ossetian citizens from the presidential fund will be allocated funds in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

The meeting was also attended by Prime Minister of South Ossetia Domenty Kulumbegov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Kazbulat Tskhovrebov, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of the Republic for the post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev, South Ossetian Presidential Adviser David Sanakoev, Presidential Commissioner for Human Rights Inal Tasoev.

Georgy Zasseev, Joseph Kochiev, Georgy Valiev and Boris Turashvili were sentenced to life imprisonment in Georgia on trumped-up charges.

March 11, they were met by hundreds of residents of Tskhinval.
